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Common Winter Skin Conditions: Know Ways To Fight These At Home

Skincare: Dry skin is a common problem faced by many during the winter season. There are several other skin issues that you may experience during the winter season. Here are some of these.

Skincare tips: Apply heavy oil-based moisturiser to prevent your skin from drying

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Chilling winter winds not only make you feel cold but affect the ways your body functions. You tend to become lazier, drink less water, eat calorie-rich foods and are very tempted to sit in front of the heater all day long. While all this sounds very cosy but can negatively affect your skin. It is not just the dry skin that you need to worry about there are other skin problem too that are caused by harsh winters. Dry and cold weather can strip your skin of the essential moisture and cause a range of skin problems. Read here to know some of these and ways to fight skin issues linked with winter season.

Skincare: Common issues during winter season and how to fight these

1. Pesky acne: Over use of oily moisturisers, irritating winter clothing and dry skin can cause acne on face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, upper arms, and butts. Gentle cleansers and moisturizers can help control the acne.

2. Eczema: Flare up in skin problems such as eczema can lead to dry, itchy and irritated skin on the areas around elbows, knees, hands and face. The best way to control these flare ups is to use a fragrance and paraben free moisturiser that is suitable to your skin type.

3. Chapped lips: Unsightly dry, cracked and red chapped lips are one of the worse things to face during the winters. Lips have a thin layer of skin and dry out fast in the winters. If not taken care in time the cracks in the lips can become painful and cause bleeding and swelling. The solution is to use lip balms containing vitamin E, SPF and hydrating agents. Petroleum jelly and glycerine also works well. Apply a few drops of cold water on the lips before applying lip balm for the perfect smooth look.

Apply lip balm regularly to prevent chapped lips during winter
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Chafing: Repeated friction on the other layer of the skin causes chafing and makes the skin feel irritated. Make sure that you dry the skin properly after bathing and before applying moisturiser. Wear comfortable skin friendly clothing and use a medicated powder to help reduce the friction on the skin.

5. Dryness: This is the most common winter skin problem. The solution is to stay hydrated from inside out. Eat foods that help increase the body moisture, drink requisite amount of water and make sure that you use good moisturiser on the skin all through the day.

Also read: Ways to deal with dry skin

6. Flaky skin: This is often accompanied with dryness and you can see white flakes on the skin and even the clothes. In order to avoid this, exfoliate gently once a week and avoid rubbing your body with towel.

7. Windburn: Dry, red and burning skin is the common indication of windburn. It can also cause red patches on the exposed areas of the skin. The solution is to cover the exposed area of the skin when stepping out. Use scarves, gloves, caps and hats, and thick socks as protective wear.

8. Sunburn: Sunrays are just as harsh during winters as it is in summers and the UV rays can cause sunburns on face, check, and neck leading to long term damage on the skin. In order to avoid it, wear high SPF sunscreen before going out of the house. The mantra is, your skin needs sun protection even if the clouds are out.

Do not skip sunscreen during winter season
Photo Credit: iStock

9. Scalp issues: Dry and flaky scalp is one of the first indications of harsh winter exposure. This is caused because of lack of moisture in the air and taking hot showers. In order to avoid the itchy and flaky scalp, use lukewarm water to wash your hair, cover your head with hats and scarf before going out.

Also read: Skin Care Tips: How To Prevent Dry Skin In Winter? How To Choose The Right Moisturiser? Here Are Some Guidelines For Every Skin Type

10. Brown spots, freckles, and wrinkles: These skin problems are the by-products of the dry skin. You can clear them up with the use of topical products, chemical peels, and professional light therapy treatments. Freckles on the skin mean that you are not getting enough UV protection.

11. Winter itch: Heat on dry skin can make your skin itchy. Keep the skin moisturized and avoid long exposure to heat and rough winter clothing.

Also read: Most Effective Natural Remedies For Dry Skin In Winters

Psoriasis, Cold Uriticaria and Rosacea are also common winter skin problems that you need to be careful about. Consult your dermatologist for the right treatment for skin problems during winters and at home make sure that you

  • Switch up your moisturising a notch by using moisturisers available in jars or tubes and avoid buying pump bottles.
  • Add two drops of conditioner to your shaving cream to avoid shaving cuts and dryness.
  • Use natural oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, safflower oil, til oil etc. to lock in the natural hydration of the skin. People suffering from dermatitis should avoid olive oil.
  • Invest in a good humidifier to avoid dryness.
  • Drink lots of water and clear fluid during the day.
  • Use a good night cream before going to bed to give your skin the time to heal and rejuvenate.
  • Layer your winter clothing and keep a thin layer of cotton clothes between the skin and winter wear.
  • Use non-foaming face wash on the face and don't forget to use serum before moisturising.

(Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics)

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