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Skincare Tips For Men: Try These Easy-To-Follow Steps For Clear Skin

Skincare tips for men: A healthy skin care routine can help you fight different skin-related issues. Read here to know some healthy skin care tips that men can follow.

Skincare tips for men: Scrubbing is important for your skin to unclog pores

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Just like women, men too face several skin issues. These can be acne, dry skin, blackheads, or extra oil production. But not many are aware of the right skincare routine to follow for healthy and glowing skin. For clear and glowing skin, a healthy diet, lifestyle, skincare routine, and environmental factors. Men also usually experience shaving irritation. If you want to fight these effectively, here are some simple steps for men to clear skin. Along with these make sure that you consume a healthy diet so that your skin receives the required nourishment.

Skincare tips for men: Follow these for healthy skin

1. Know your skin type

Just like women, you need to know your skin type for better care. Your skin can be dry, oily, or combination. It will help you choose the right skin care product according to your skin type. Choosing the right product will give effective results.

Also read: Diet For Acne: Our Expert Shares 4 Time-Tested And Effective Ways To Prevent Acne

2. CTM

CTM stands for cleansing, toning moisturising. You should cleanse your face at least twice a day. For toning, you can choose a toner according to your skin type or simply use rose water. Moisturising is extremely important. If your skin is oily use a water-based moisturiser and for dry skin oil based thick moisturiser is appropriate.

Also read: Skincare: The Role Of Vitamin A For Skin, Explains Dermatologist; Know How To Use And Food Sources

3. Scrubbing is important

Scrubbing should be an essential part of your skincare routine. It helps in unclogging skin pores and removes dirt and pollution from your skin. It also helps you remove black and whiteheads. You can scrub on alternate days. But if your skin is sensitive you, exfoliation once or twice a week is enough.

Skincare tips: Exfoliation can help you remove blackheads
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Sunscreen is must

Many apply sunscreen only during the summer season. It is advised to apply sunscreen throughout the year. It protects your skin from sun damage.

Also read: Skincare Routine: Follow These Steps Every Morning For Healthy And Glowing Skin

5. Drink enough water

Water plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. It is also essential for your skin health. It helps you get rid of toxins and purifies your skin. Drinking enough water can help you receive a natural glow.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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