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World Asthma Day 2022: 5 Yoga Poses Asthma Patients Can Do Safely

World Asthma Day: Yoga can help asthma patients control symptoms effectively, says expert. Here are some yoga poses asthma patients must try.

World Asthma Day: The them for this year is 'Uncovering Asthma Misconceptions'

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Asthma is one of the common conditions these days. It can occur due to various reasons and several triggers can set off an asthma attack in an individual. Asthma is an inflammation of the airways that lead down to the lungs. It makes breathing difficult and may make some physical activities challenging. The symptoms occur when the lining of your airways swell and the muscles around them tighten making breathing difficult. Mucus then fills the airways, further reducing the amount of air that can pass through. These conditions can then bring on an asthma attack, that brings difficulty in breathing and tightness in the chest.

World Asthma Day 2022: Yoga for asthmatics 

Here are a few yoga postures that a person with asthma can safely practice and may get relief from the symptoms. Poses that open up the chest area, expand the lungs and airways, are very beneficial for asthma patients.

1. Sukhasana

This relaxing and simple pose is meditative and instantly calms the mind. It focuses on your breathing and improves the lung function.

Sukhasana is beneficial to your mental health
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2. Ardha Matsyendrasana

The Sitting Half Spinal Twist opens the chest and improves the supply of oxygen to the lungs, thus improving your breath function and lung capacity.

Also read: Here's all you need to know about vajrasana

3. Bhujangasana

The Cobra pose expands the chest, improves blood circulation and is highly recommended for people with asthma as it opens up the front body and expands the airways.

Bhujangasana can also help you relieve back pain
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4. Badhakonasana

Baddhakonasana or the butterfly asana is another relaxing pose. It stretches the body and opens up the body.

Also read:  Asanas You Should Be Doing Every Day For A Healthy Mind And Body

5. Setubandhasana

The bridge is a classic yoga pose that opens your chest and encourages deeper breathing.

Also read: Know all about cobra pose

The above poses, if done correctly can provide relief and ease the symptoms of asthma, it is important to remember that you need to listen to your body, observe the effects that any practice has on your condition and then choose and eliminate accordingly.

(Janhavi Patwardhan is a Yoga instructor at SARVA)

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