Bhujangasana also known as the cobra pose is an effective backbend posture that can be a part of your daily yoga routine.
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This yoga pose is also a part of the traditional Surya Namaskar sequence. Bhujangasana reflects the posture of a cobra that has its hood raised.
Keeps spine healthy
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Cobra pose helps in strengthening the spine and reduces stiffness. Doing this asana regularly can help you relieve back pain.
abdomen health
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Organs in the abdomen gets stimulated with cobra pose. It will also help in toning the abdomen muscles.
Other benefits
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Bhujangasana can help relieve neck and shoulder pain. It can also effectively reduce stress and fatigue.
Breathing method
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Hold the pose for 15 to 30 seconds and breathe easily. Exhale while releasing the pose back to the floor.
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To prevent injuries, avoid overstretching. Keep your feet still and close together while performing the asana.
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Bhujangasana shouldn't be done if you are suffering from carpel tunnel syndrome or spine disorders. Also, avoid if you are pregnant or have had abdominal surgery.