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Top 5 Common Causes Of An Itchy Scalp

Reasons for an itchy scalp can be anything, from poor hygiene to bacterial infections. Read here.

Reasons for an itchy scalp can be many, the treatment differs in accordance with the reason

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Scratching your head cannot always be a sign of being lost in thoughts. That feeling when you just want to rake your fingernails on your scalp every now and then is extremely annoying and unattractive as well. An itchy scalp can be extremely distracting. It is not something you need to be particularly worried about but that does not mean you can let it continue like forever. The reasons for an itchy scalp can be many and the treatment differs in accordance with the reason.

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Here's a list of the most causes of itchy scalp.

1. Dandruff/ seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a condition of excess dandruff on the scalp due to an overreaction to yeast that lives on the skin. The condition is not fatal but it is extremely embarrassing. You can try some over-the-counter treatments like anti-fungal shampoos. You can also try tea tree oil for relief.

2. Lice

Tiny little bugs who attach to your hair are hair lice. These can be one of the reasons why you are suffering from an itchy scalp. Lice and dandruff can be confused at times. Only when you look very closely, you will be able to see eggs attached to your hair strands. They look just like dandruff and not easy to get rid of.

They are glued to your hair and no matter how well you shake your hair, they won't go. Keep your hair clean at all times and use shampoos and creams with malathion or permethrin every week. Do not share a comb with a person with hair lice.

3. Allergic reaction

Improper use of hair care products or use of chemical products can lead to allergic reactions. Some medicated shampoos may not suit your skin and lead to an itchy scalp. In addition to this, frequently changing your hairstyle can also lead to an allergic reaction and cause you a good deal of discomfort through an itchy scalp.

4. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a condition which appears in 3% of the world population. This is when dry, red and rough patches start appearing on your skin, particularly on the elbows, knees, and scalp. Scalp psoriasis can cause a good deal of itching and irritation. You can also opt for over-the-counter treatments like shampoos with coal tar and salicylic acid for scalp psoriasis. However, you must consult your doctor for the same.

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5. Cyst

Just like most other organs, the cyst can occur on your scalp as well. You can feel them while combing through your hair. Those little sacks filled with fluid are not a very big cause for concern. But they can certainly lead to a good deal of itching and irritation on your scalp. 

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