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Toned Milk Vs Full-Cream Milk: Which Milk Is Healthier For Weight Loss

Toned milk VS full-cream milk, click here to know which one is healthier.

Healthiest variety of milk: Is toned milk healthier?

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Few people manage to get through lactose-intolerance. And those who do are busy deciding which form of milk is healthier and which one is not. Which variety of milk is good for weight loss and which one is your supply of adequate nutrition. Just like this, the health quotient of toned and full-cream milk has always been quite debatable. Some people say that toned milk is better because it promotes weight loss and some feel that full-cream is better because it is enriched with nutrients. In this article, we are going to discuss if toned milk is healthier than the full-cream variety or not.

What is toned milk?

Toned milk is prepared by adding skimmed milk powder and water to whole milk. This way it cuts down the fat content of milk and increases its quantity as well. Technically, it is the same thing as skimmed milk.

Healthiest variety of milk: Toned milk is low terms of fat
Photo Credit: iStock 

Pros of toned milk

Toned milk contains lesser fat as compared to full cream milk. Nevertheless, it continues to maintain the nutritional content. If we take the fat content into consideration, one glass of toned milk contains 80 calories, which is half of the calorie content of full-cream milk. It is a rich source of calcium and is good for your bones and teeth. Toned milk is a rich source of whey protein which is why it is digested easily by your body. Just one glass of toned milk every morning can keep hunger pangs at bay. Toned milk is recommended for people who are trying to lose weight or people who wish to increase their calcium intake without increasing fat intake.

Also read: 7 Proven Health Benefits Of Soy Milk

Cons of toned milk

However, toned milk fails to retain the fat-soluble vitamins of full-cream milk. As far as its taste is concerned, full-cream milk tastes better than toned milk. Besides this, toned milk is not a suitable ingredient for cooking or baking. This is due to the absence of fat which is the main ingredient for a good texture. It is not recommended for malnourished kids or pregnant women.

What is full-cream milk?

Full-cream milk or raw milk is milk without any alterations or additions. It is milk in the raw form. This variety of milk is undiluted and is high in terms of fat, calcium and all nutrients in milk. This is to ensure that milk is safe for consumption and does not have any changes whatsoever. No additions and no reductions whatsoever, and its cream is also in place, that is full-cream milk.

Healthiest variety of milk: Full-cream milk retains all nutrients
Photo Credit: iStock

Pros of full-cream milk

The untouched and undiluted variety of milk retains the nutrients as it is. It is an extremely healthy choice for malnourished kids and pregnant women as it fulfills their nutritional requirements. It is pure cow/buffalo milk. 

Cons of full-cream milk

Nevertheless, it is high in terms of fat. A person who is trying to lose weight should refrain from full-cream milk. It contains much more fat that toned milk. It is also high in saturated fat which is known to raise cholesterol levels. So it is not a good choice for heart patients as well.

Also read: 6 Best Non-Dairy Substitutes For Milk

Which one is healthier?

Dietician Dr Vasundhara Singh says "Full cream is healthier for patients who do not have a good overall build and are malnourished. People who have a low BMI, that is, low body weight with reference to their height, should consume full-cream milk. It is good for growing kids and lactating women. However, it is not good for heart patients and diabetics due to the high calorie-content and hidden fat. This form of milk can cause obesity due to high energy content."

"Both varieties of milk contain the same level of protein and calcium. The main difference is in terms of fat content. Toned milk contains 3% fat and full-cream contains 6% fat. But for an average human being, toned milk is recommended because we anyway consume fats every day from a number of sources likes nuts, oil, butter, paneer, etc. Toned milk is basically recommended to prevent obesity."

If we weigh these two against each other, toned milk seems to win it. However, it is still quite subjective to your requirement and health conditions as well. So, weigh the pros and cons with respect to your own health and then decide.

If we weigh these two against each other, toned milk seems to win it. However, it is still quite subjective to your requirement and health conditions as well. So, weigh the pros and cons with respect to your own health and then decide.

( Dr Vasundhara Singh is an Assistant dietician at AIIMS)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 

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