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Know Which Exercise Best Suits Your Age From Celeb Trainer Yasmin Karachiwala

Celebrity fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala is of the belief that you need to keep yourself fit and in shape at every age. Read on to know about the exercises which Yasmin feels are suitable for all these age groups.

Yasmin Karachiwala recommends exercises for people in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s.

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Fitness is a way of life. No matter what age, exercising should be a part of your daily routine. But which exercises are most suitable to your age? This question strikes many and is often the reason why many are unable to begin with a concrete workout regime. Celebrity fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala is of the belief that you need to keep yourself fit and in shape at every age. She recommends a few exercises for people in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. Read on to know about the exercises which Yasmin feels are suitable for all these age groups.

Yasmin Karachiwala Tells Which Is Exercise Is Suitable For Your Age

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In Your 20s?

Your fitness capacity is at its peak, so you can stay fit with 30 minutes or more of vigorous exercise, five to seven days a week. Here are some fun options may want to experiment with:

Strength Training can be done in any form, using body weight or weights at the gym. It helps in building strength and muscle.

Pilates is great for working the core and leaning out the body, correcting bad posture and increasing flexibilty.

Walking, jogging or playing a sport of your choice is also a fun way to stay in shape.


A good spinning class gives your heart and lungs an intense workout while also building strength in the legs.

Boot camp

This workout is derived from the tough physical training of the army. It involves squat thrusts, sit-ups, sprinting and other intense exercises.



Kickboxing involves kicking and punching moves
Photo Credit: iStock

Kickboxing involves kicking and punching moves. It needs stamina and power to keep up with the fast changing drills and routines.

Read also: How Kickboxing Helps To Relieve Stress And Anger

In Your 30s?

In your 30's, your metabolic rate progressively slows down due to the natural process of muscle and bone loss. Age-related influences, a decreased metabolism and shifting hormones contribute to weight plateaus and weight gain. Include the dynamic duo - weight training and cardio workouts.

Weight training helps you increase your bone and muscle mass. More muscle means a faster metabolism. Good choices include weight bearing exercises like push-ups, sit-ups or working out on machines. Do some sort of cardio exercise such as walking, cycling, jogging or swimming at least 5-days a week, for a minimum of 30 minutes. Metabolic rates can increase up to 25-percent after an aerobic workout.

Pilates is great for working the core and leaning out the body, correcting bad posture and increasing flexibility. It is great for any age as it also prevents injury.

Pilates is great for working the core and leaning out the body, correcting bad posture and increasing flexibility

In Your 40s?

Keep up the cardio and weight training. Add balance training to your exercise regime. Post 40s, your natural ability to maintain good balance and posture, as well as quick reaction time diminishes. Balance ability diminishes as you age, and can be improved with practice. Certain yoga postures can improve your inherent balancing abilities.

Pilates improves posture and body alignment, improves functional stability for daily activities and strengthens core muscles.

Read also: 15 Minute Cardio Workout You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime 

In Your 50s?

It is essential to exercise regularly to be able to carry out daily activities with greater ease and stay in shape. Physical activity improves the functioning of the heart, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides, helps to control diabetes and promotes restful sleep.

Recreational exercises such as golf and gardening - even as little as twice a week - can improve both fitness and the psychological state of mind. Also, yoga and deep breathing exercises help relax the mind.


Walking or swimming are excellent cardio exercises

Walking or swimming are excellent cardio exercises that places minimum stress on the joints. Weight bearing exercises play an important role in maintaining bone density. An effective routine comprises exercises that target the major muscle groups of the upper, mid and lower body.

While exercising, you must into account your specific health considerations. Consult your physician for specific exercise guidelines and progress at a suitable rate so as to keep your mind and body interested. Pilates is great for working the core and leaning out the body, correcting bad posture and increasing flexibility. It is great for any age as it also prevents injury.

(Yasmin Karachiwala is a celebrity fitness trainer based in Mumbai)

Read also: Did You Know How Many Calories Swimming Can Burn?

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