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Here's How 'Face Yoga' Can Make You Look Young Forever

Face yoga helps in stimulating facial muscles and toning them, thereby making you look younger than ever!

Face Yoga helps in smoothening the tension-filled expressions which we make every day

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Did you know there is something called 'face yoga' which can help you get younger looking and fresh skin? What yoga does to your body, face yoga does to your face. It includes a series of exercises that can help in relaxation of your face, which can ultimately lead to smoothening of the tension-filled expressions which we make every day, without even realizing. Relaxing these contorted facial muscles helps in giving us a natural facelift, and we up looking young as ever!

1. Simha Mudra (Lion Pose)

This pose is helpful in stimulating all your facial muscles and is one of the most popular asanas in face yoga.

How: Kneel down and place your hands on your thighs. Open your mouth wide and stretch your tongue up to the chin. Try to make a sound that replicates the roar of a lion from your throat. Repeat the exercise every day for effective results.

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2. Jivha Bandha (Locked Tongue Pose)

Jivha Bandha helps in shaping up your jawline and toning face muscles.

How: Sit in a lotus position while placing your hands on your lap. Touch the upper wall of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. Try to open your mouth while keeping your tongue this way, until you feel a stretch in your throat and neck. Breathe through your nose and repeat the exercise a couple of times.

Also read: Time To Choose Your Style Of Yoga. Here's A Quick Guide For You!

3. Jalandhar Bandha (Chin Lock)

This pose helps in shaping your face and toning the muscles of your face and jawline. This is extremely helpful for getting rid of double chins.

How: Sit down in the lotus position and breathe deeply. Place your hands on the knees, lift your shoulders up and bend forward. Press your chest in between your collar bones in a way that it closes your food pipe. Hold your breath as long as possible. Release and repeat a couple of times.

4. Fish Face

Fish face tones and stretch your cheek muscles. The pose makes your cheeks less flabby and your face sleek.

How: Try to replicate a fish by sucking your cheeks and lips inwards. Stay in this position and try to smile. The exercise will make you experience a burning sensation on your cheeks and jaw. Relax and repeat the exercise.

Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Weight Loss On Your Mind? Yoga Is Here To Help You

5. Cheek Uplift

Cheek Uplifts helps in highlighting your cheekbones, by reducing the fat in them.

How: Sit comfortably and smile as wide as you can. Now place the index and middle finger of both your hands on both the cheeks. Lift your cheeks towards eyes with the help of fingers. Hold it there for a few seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise a couple of times.

6. Chin Lift

Chin lifts help in getting rid of your double chins and stretches jaw, throat, and neck.

How: You can either sit or stand during Chin Lift. Look up at the ceiling. Try to make a pout by tightening your lips. Hold the position for a few seconds and then release. Repeat the exercise a few times.

Also read: Yoga Can Hurt If Not Done Properly, Say Experts

7. Neck Roll

Neck rolls are also an effective way to get rid of double chins. They tighten the skin of the neck and reduce sagging of the skin and wrinkles.

How: Sit comfortably and look straight. Now, roll or turn your head in a circular motion. Keep your spine straight and shoulders down while doing so. Do sets by rotating your head clockwise and anti-clockwise. 

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