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Do You Know What's Causing The Tickling And Numbness In Your Hands? Know All About It Here

Carpal tunnel syndrome: The carpal tunnel syndrome happens because of repetitive motions like constant typing or any motion of the wrist which do over and over again.

Carpal tunnel syndrome: The condition can be caused because of weak grip strength

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The tingling, numb or weak sensation in your hand might signal carpal tunnel syndrome. The condition is a result of pressure on median nerve which runs through the arm and goes through a passage in wrist known as carpal tunnel. This passage ends in the hand. This median nerve is responsible for controlling movement and feeling of thumb and movement of fingers with exception of the pinky finger. Swelling can cause narrowing of carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel syndrome happens because of repetitive motions like constant typing or any motion of the wrist which do over and over again. The carpal syndrome can happen especially if your hands are lower than your wrists. People with hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity and diabetes are more prone to risks of hypothyroidism. Pregnancy can also cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can last for a long time and might even get worse if you leave it untreated. Or, there are chances that the symptoms vanish away. It is easier to deal with the condition if diagnosed at an early stage.


Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause numbness in hands
Photo Credit: iStock

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

Common of symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include burning feeling in hands. It may also cause itching, tingling or numbness in the palm, thumb, index and middle finger. The first few symptoms can be noticed when your fingers fall asleep of become numb at night. Fingers fall asleep because hands rest in the relaxed position while sleeping. The tingling and numbness may run all the way to your shoulders when you wake up in the morning.

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Carpal tunnel syndrome may get worse and more severe if your grip strength is less. Weak grip is a result of weak muscles in hands. Severe cases of carpal tunnel syndrome might also cause worse pains and cramps. The median nerve becomes weaker over time. Irritation and the pressure around the median nerve can result in lesser functioning median nerve. This in turn leads to loss of feeling in fingers, loss of strength and coordination in hands. You lose the ability to use your thumb to pinch and also experience numbness in fingers. Permanent muscle damage can also be a risk factor of carpal tunnel syndrome. Do visit the doctor if you experience symptoms repeatedly.

Weak grip strength can worsen symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Here's What Your Hand Grip Strength Says About Your Heart Health

Are you prone to carpal tunnel syndrome?

Certain medical conditions can make a person more prone to risks of carpal tunnel syndrome. Hypothyroidism, diabetes, obesity, pregnancy and trauma can increase risks of carpal tunnel syndrome. Women have smaller carpal tunnel and are hence at higher risks of carpal tunnel syndrome than men. In case carpal tunnel syndrome happens because of pregnancy, the symptoms may begin to show a few months after delivery.

Then, there are some jobs which involve the same repetitive motion over and over again. People in jobs which involve typing, musicians, hair stylists, bakers and cahiers are all at increase risks of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Diabetic people are more prone to risks of carpal tunnel syndrome
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: 7 Reasons Why You Wake Up With Numb Hands: Here's What You Can Do About It

Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

1. Lifestyle changes

Repetitive motion causing carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated by taking a few breaks and doing less amount of the activity which is causing pain. Stretching and strengthening exercise for hands and arms can also be helpful. You can also opt for physiotherapy as an effective treatment.

2. Immobilisation

The doctor might use a splint to prevent movement of wrist in order to reduce the pressure on nerves. The splint can be worn at night to prevent numbness and tingling feeling. This helps in improving sleep quality and also giving a rest to your median nerve.

Anti-inflammatory medicines might also be prescribed as part of treatment. Severe cases of carpal tunnel syndrome might require surgery.

At a personal level, you can take a few steps in order to prevent the condition from getting worse. Keeping your wrists straight, using a splint that keeps your wrist in a neutral position and positioning your hands correctly while working can help in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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