7 Little Known Side Effects Of Whey Protein
So if you thought whey protein is safe and healthy, you must read this!
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Whey protein isn't really a new term for bodybuilders. This is one of the most common dietary supplements used by people who hit the gym regularly. You may have heard that this product is healthy and it is concentrated protein isolated from all other compounds. But, too, your surprise, whey protein is not healthy at all! Consuming whey concentrate and protein bars does more harm than it benefits you. Too hard to believe, isn't it? Read here to know the reason why. Right from gastrointestinal issues to acne breakout, whey protein can have a number of side effects.
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We have listed the top 5 side effects of whey protein you must watch out for.
Also read: Whey Or Casein, Which Is The Ideal Choice For You?
1. Destabilizing the gut bacteria
The consumption of certain concentrated components of milk can cause issues in the adult gut flora. Lactoferrin, as an antibacterial compound in whey can cause gastrointestinal issues and stomach upsets. This disturbance in the microbiota takes place in the colon and upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract leading to ripple effects inside it.
2. Excess fat gain
Some whey supplements can have extra carbs in the form of sugar and may even contain fats. This adds up fat to your body, which of course, was not the thing you were looking for. Gaining weight in the fat form anyway isn't healthy. The same can also happen when you eat too much while consuming whey supplements as well.
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3. Kidney issues
Consuming whey protein can in fact lead to long-term damage to your kidneys. Too much of whey protein can cause renal damage over a period of time. So check your proportions and talk to a doctor before you start consuming whey supplements.
Also read: Here's All You Need To Know About Protein Powder
4. Heart disease risk
Too much of whey is strongly linked to heart disease risk. Experts say that excess intake of whey protein can lead to cardiac arrest, a disturbed heartbeat rhythm and in some cases, complete loss of heart functionalities.
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5. Fatigue and weakness
Some people have to deal with digestive issues while consuming whey protein. This is because some people's bodies fail to break down so much protein at a time, leading to gas and bloating. As a result, it can make you feel sluggish and weak as well.
Also read: Are Protein Supplements To Enhance Performance Safe? All You Need To Know
6. Ketosis development
When there are abnormal number of ketones are present in the body, Ketosis takes place. So once you move to a diet low in carbs and high in protein, your body burns fats to produce energy. And when there is no fat left, the body uses proteins to do the same. This process puts a lot of pressure on the liver and may lead to damage in the long run.
7. Unbalanced nutrition
Consuming protein in its natural form is safe. Despite the fact that it will be accompanied by other nutrients, it is a much better option. Protein powders are processed and they disturb the nutritional intake of your body. You must check the nutritional composition mentioned on the box and then proceed. Nevertheless, consuming natural sources of protein is a much safer option.
Also read: Which Is The Best Protein For Weight Loss And Why
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