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3 Popular Diet Myths You Need To Stop Believing

Several popular duet myths make it difficult for you to fulfill your fitness goals. Here are some popular diet myths you need to stop believing to maintain a healthy diet.

You should consume a well balanced diet for a healthy weight

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When it comes to weight loss and maintaining a healthy diet it is important to break the myths that seem to be mushrooming every single day. Various myths were propagated long ago while others are often propagated by companies trying to sell their products. To lead a healthy life you need to maintain a well-balanced diet and stop believing the myths which can stop you from reaching your fitness goals. In this article, here are three popular diet myths you need to stop believing today.

Diet myths you should not believe

1. Caffeine can increase stress

Coffee and tea are often consumed in large amounts when under pressure by many. However, a small study of habitual coffee drinkers found that caffeine amplifies the stress response in the body, resulting in increases in blood pressure and heart rate, as well as increases in the production of stress hormones. Caffeine specifically influences the way an individual relates to stress and enhances the experience of stress by a human. An exaggerated stress response can make a difference to people with conditions such as high blood pressure and type-2 diabetes. Overconsumption of caffeine may lead to stress. Therefore, it is important to consume caffeine in moderation.

Too much caffeine is harmful to your health in several ways
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2. Spicy foods can help in effective weight loss

Studies have shown that spices like chillies, peppers, ginger, turmeric etc can help one in losing weight. Though often touted as a myth there is some truth to this. Most spices tend to stimulate the brown adipose cells of the body thus causing a temporary spike in the body's metabolism. Though this lasts only for a short while, over a longer period it can add up. However, it should not be assumed that adding spices to the food is sufficient to nullify the calories from the said meals. While the spices have shown to increase the metabolism, it is also clear that the metabolism raising effect is not significant enough to balance out a meal.

Also read: 7 Simple Yet Effective Tips To Make Your Diet Healthier

3. Sugar is more addictive than drugs

It is often reminded, that sugar being more addictive than drugs but it is not true. Sugar addiction can be controlled on time with right precautions. You simply need to make certain changes to your diet and lifestyle to fight sugar addiction. You can control it yourself up to an extent. But even after some genuine efforts you are not able to quit, try seeking an expert.

Also read: 6 Diet Tips You Must Follow For A Healthy Heart

(Shikha Mahajan is a Holistic Nutritionist and Founder of Diet Podium)

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