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High Cholesterol In Kids: Some Tips For Better Cholesterol Management In Kids

In most cases, high cholesterol is seen in kids whose parents also had high cholesterol levels. While high cholesterol is a treatable condition, it is better to look for some precautionary measures for the same.

High cholesterol in kids increases the risk of heart diseases at a later stage in life

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If you thought that high cholesterol problems were limited to adults, you are mistaken. Kids are prone to cholesterol problems as well, and this gives rise to an increased incidence of heart diseases in kids as they grow up. When cholesterol in kids increases, it results in the buildup of plaque in the arteries which blocks blood circulation to different parts of the body, especially your heart. At a later stage in life, this increases the risk of heart diseases and stroke. In most cases, high cholesterol is seen in kids whose parents also had high cholesterol levels. While high cholesterol is a treatable condition, it is better to look for some precautionary measures for the same. It is better to practice cholesterol management in kids from a young age itself so that they would not have to go through the pain of handling it at a later stage in life. Cholesterol management at a young age is not rocket science; just some simple tips can help you with the better management of high cholesterol in kids.

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Healthy eating can prevent high cholesterol problems in kids
Photo Credit: iStock

Some of the risk factors of high cholesterol in kids include:

1. Diet

2. Obesity

3. Genetics

Also read: Weight Loss: 3 Tablespoons Of This Drink In A Day Will Help You Lose Belly Fat And Lower Cholesterol Levels

Here are some simple tips for cholesterol management in kids. Take a look.

1. Healthy snacking

Kids love snacking, but what they eat depends on what you offer them; a burger or an apple. Make sure that your kids at least four to five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Apples, bananas, carrots, pomegranate, strawberries, cucumber salad and other healthy snacks should be offered to kids.

When your kids wish to have a snack, offer them an apple

2. Use healthy ingredients

While cooking, try to include low-fat proteins, whole grains, vegetables and lean-meat in all meals. This is the best way to maximize the nutritional value of every meal.

Also read: Childhood Obesity: 6 Major Causes You Should Know

3. Avoid saturated and trans fats

Avoid giving saturated and trans fats to your kids. These saturated fats are found in eggs, meat, butter, cheese, cookies and chips. While eggs, meat and cheese are healthy foods, they should be given in limited quantities. Foods which contain trans fats include doughnuts, crackers, burgers, French fries, onion ring etc. These foods in no way are healthy and must not be offered to kids.

Avoid giving saturated and trans fats to your kids

4. Smart fast-food dining

If you are planning to go for fast-food dining, choose the healthiest option available, not just for your kids but for yourselves as well. When you eat healthy yourselves, your kids will not be tempting for unhealthy foods either.

Also read: 8 Best Foods To Increase Your Good Cholesterol Levels

5. Encourage them to play outdoors

Encourage your kids to go outside and play instead of spending time on the phones and laptops. Sometimes, insist on going out with them. Take them out for a bicycle ride or a walk in the park. Sitting down and playing games all day also contributes to the buildup of cholesterol.

Encourage your kids to go outside and play

6. Use healthier alternatives

Offer them healthier options, instead of offering them regular butter, offer them peanut butter or other nut butters. They contain healthy fats. Also, offer them dark chocolates instead of milk chocolates. They are healthier and due to the slightly bitter taste, your kids may eat lesser of these chocolates.

Also read: 3 Super Easy Tips To Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels

7. Avoid frying food

Your cooking technique is as important as the ingredients you choose. Instead of offering your kids some fried treats, give them baked and grilled food. Baked and grilled foods do not soak up too much oil which could give high cholesterol to your kids.

Avoid giving fried foods to your kids

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 

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