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From Fighting Fatigue To Improved Sex-Drive: Know The Benefits Of These Ayurvedic Herbs

Are you dealing with fatigue, low sex drive and other issues? Here are some herbs that might help you deal with these issues.

Ayurvedic herbs can help you deal with fatigue and other issues

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Fatigue and a related drop in sex drive is one of the common problems these days. Several changes in diet and lifestyle can help you deal with both if not related to a medical condition. Ayurvedic herbs have also shown benefits for those suffering from these issues. Several ayurvedic herbs can be safely added to your routine in several ways. In this article, here are some ayurvedic herbs that can enhance one's sexual life. Also know other benefits these can offer.

Herbs that can help improve sex drive and reduce fatigue

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is renowned for its sheer versatility, its centrality in the Ayurvedic system and rising global "fame". While it has recently received a lot of attention for its immunity-boosting properties, it has long been a classic go-to herb to boost brain function, fight stress and sleep better. Compromised sleep is often at play among people experiencing fatigue.

Also, as stress is one of the big contributing factors that lead to a diminished sex drive, ashwagandha is often used by Ayurvedic practitioners to address libido challenges.

Ashwagandha is known to stress and anxiety
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2. Shilajit

For improved sexual function, ashwagandha is often stacked with shilajit. The primary component of shilajit, chemically, is fulvic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant that is being researched for potentially improving symptoms of Alzheimer's, but that is not yet established.

Scientific studies have established that shilajit helps increase levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone, and so it is also used to address a loss of muscle mass. While its application is again varied-from treating altitude sickness to insomnia-its combination with ashwagandha is generally helpful for improved sexual function in men.

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3. Safed musli

Safed musli is a white colour herb that grows in the wild. It is used widely not only in ayurveda, but also unani and homoeopathy systems. While it is also seen as testosterone enhancing, some of its more specific applications within addressing sexual function are addressing premature ejaculation, and improving the quality of sperm.

4. Gokshura

Gokshura (also known as gokharu), has several applications in ayurveda, including use as a tonic to fight fatigue and lethargy, as an aphrodisiac and as a palliative among others. While there are studies connecting it to improvement in testosterone levels, its claim as an aphrodisiac has sometimes been attributed to an increase in the release of nitric oxide, which is a key neurotransmitter that is the connection between desire and the physiological process that leads to an erection.

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It is important to look at this list as indicative, and the decision to start with any individual herb is best taken after consultation with an ayurvedic practitioner, as the right combination often emerges after a proper investigation. If not used wisely these can be lead to side effects. So, consult an expert as per your condition.

(Dr Paresh Gautam is a BAMS and works with Misters)

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