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This One Minute Practice Can De-Stress You

On days which have been too stressful, all we need to do is take off our shoes and spend time by connecting directly with earth's surface.

Earthing is the practice of walking barefoot on the ground

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The city-life can take a toll on us, more often than we would expect. Endless deadlines, never-ending work schedules and unscheduled meetings are enough to raise the bar of our stress level to an unprecedented extent. Going for de-stressing activities like exercising or yoga can be difficult because of one obvious reason - lack of time! However, one simple practice of grounding or earthing can relieve our stress. The earth acts like a huge battery which has a natural and sub-electric charge. But modern-day lifestyles have created a deep disconnect between humans and earth's healing effect.

Many holistic health practitioners are of the belief that reconnecting with earth can help us relieve stress because of earth's natural subtle charge. For instance, it does feel quite soothing when we walk barefoot on the floor. This is just a part of earthing. Just the way machines need electricity to work, human body needs bioelectricity generated through chemical reactions.

The surface of earth has continuous supply of free and mobile electrons. Coming in direct contact with the earth makes our body absorb these electrons, which in a way charges our body.

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How to practice earthing?

Earthing is actually the practice of walking barefoot on the ground. We need no trainer or guidance for earthing. On days which have been too stressful, all we need to do is take off our shoes and spend time by connecting directly with earth's surface.

Walking barefoot on the ground is something that we can conveniently do every day after work or before work. We can walk on sand, grass, rocks or any bare natural surface.

While walking barefoot, the focus should be on the sensation felt in sole of the feet. We need to visualise the connection that we have with this earth and the life that it has been supporting for thousands of years. Benefits of this practice will be felt over a period of time.

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Here are some of the health benefits of earthing:

1. Reduces inflammation

It is said that the free and mobile electrons of the earth can resolve inflammation. These electrons are known to serve as powerful antioxidants which can help in getting rid of free radicals and prevent the damage caused by them.

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2. Reduces pain

People suffering from chronic pain might be able to feel relieved with earthing. Earthing can be beneficial even for people with disabilities or wheelchair bound. They can simply put their feet on the ground and experience the difference.

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3. Reduces stress

Being amidst nature even for a short period of time will make us feel much calmer and relaxed. One tends to feel more positive and stress-free by spending time in the lap of nature.

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4. Improves sleep quality

People who are continuously stressed will find immense difficulty in sleeping peacefully. Earthing while sleeping has been found to reduce cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the body. We can ground to the earth by either sleeping on the floor or using a conductive mattress pad for a few days.

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5. Increases energy

Earthing has been found to make people feel more energised and experience lesser fatigue. This is also because earthing improves sleep quality and reduces cortisol levels.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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