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Sinus Pain And Pressure: 6 Home Remedies For Instant Relief

Sinus pain giving you a hard time? You should drink plenty of warm fluids and try steam inhalation for instant relief. Read here to know more such effective home remedies for sinus pain and pressure.

Sinus pain home remedies: Try nasal spray for instant relief from sinus pain and pressurei

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Sinusitis or sinus infection is a condition in which cavities around the nasal passages become inflamed. It causes sinus pain, sinus pressure and nasal congestion. Sinuses are lined with mucous membrane-which protects the body by producing mucus. Mucus is responsible for catching dirt and other particles that can cause illness. Sinuses lining can swell because of an allergic reaction or infection, which ultimately leads to sinus pain. Infections and allergies can lead to pressure in sinuses. Clearing your nose after every two or three hours can help in easing symptoms of sinus pain. Besides, we share more home remedies for easing sinus pain right here.

Sinus pain: Effective home remedies that you cannot miss

1. Nasal spray

Inhaling saline solution can help in clearing blocked nose effectively. Add some salt and baking powder in water and sniff it. You can also use a dry spray bottle and spray into a nostril. You can repeat this 2 to 3 times in a day to get relief from sinus pain.

Also read: Is It A Migraine Or A Sinus Headache? Know The Difference

2. Steam

Steam inhalation is the oldest and perhaps the most effective home remedy to deal with sinus pain. Steam can help in opening passages in nose and offer relief from sinus pressure. For steam inhalation, all you need to do is boil water, pour it in a large bowl and take the steam. Put a towel over your head and make sure that your head is directly above water.

Steam inhalation is an effective home remedy for sinus pain and pressure
Photo Credit: iStock

3. Drink plenty of fluids

Sinus pain or any other sickness that you are suffering from, keeping yourself hydrated is the most important home remedy. You can sip on warm water or opt for fruit juices or comforting teas and coffees to get relief from sinus pain.

Also read: How To Keep Safe From Sinusitis In The Changing Weather

4. Take sufficient rest

When suffering from sinus pain, it is important to take proper rest and avoid straining yourself. When suffering from a sinus infection, the best way to heal naturally and quickly is to take sufficient rest. Sleeping well can also aid quicker recovery.

Take proper rest when suffering from sinus pain and pressure
Photo Credit: iStock

5. Warm compression with a wet cloth

This is an effective home remedy for severe sinus pain and pressure. Dipping a towel in warm water and laying it across the bridge of nose and cheeks can help in offering instant relief.

6. Essential oils

Natural oils derived from plants can be helpful in reducing sinus pain. Menthol, for instance, creates a sensation that nasal passages are opening. You can add a few drops of oil to hot water and gently breathe in steam through the nose. Menthol essential oil is available in online stores. Consulting a doctor before going ahead with this remedy for sinus pain is recommended.

These home remedies, combined with a healthy diet can help in offering relief from sinus pain and pressure. If they fail to show effective results, you should consult your doctor without delay.

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Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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