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Boost Your Fertility By Avoiding Chemical Ridden Yoga Mats

Women with higher concentrations had a 10 per cent reduced probability of successful fertilisation, 31 per cent reduced probability of implantation of the embryo, and a 41 per cent and 38 per cent decrease in clinical pregnancy. Read the full report here.

Are you planning to undergo fertility treatment? Avoid products like yoga mat.

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If you are planning to undergo fertility treatment, avoiding products like yoga mats may help, as those with flame retardant chemicals can disrupt in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), a study has claimed. The findings showed that women with higher urinary concentrations of a common type of flame retardant known as organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs) used in polyurethane foam in many products, including upholstered furniture, baby products and gym mats had reduced likelihood of clinical pregnancy and live birth following IVF than those with lower concentrations.

"These findings suggest that exposure to PFRs may be one of many risk factors for lower reproductive success," said lead author Courtney Carignan, a research fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In the study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, urinary metabolites (products of a chemical that has been metabolised) of three PFRs-TDCIPP, TPHP, and mono-ITP were detected in more than 80 per cent of participants.

Women with higher concentrations had a 10 per cent reduced probability of successful fertilisation, 31 per cent reduced probability of implantation of the embryo, and a 41 per cent and 38 per cent decrease in clinical pregnancy (foetal heartbeat confirmed by ultrasound) and live birth, as compared to women with lower concentrations of these metabolites.

"Couples undergoing IVF and trying to improve their chances of success by reducing their exposure to environmental chemicals may want to opt for products that are flame-retardant free," said Russ Hauser, professor at the varsity.

PFRs were initially introduced as a safer alternative, to flame retardant PentaBDE used in polyurethane foam, which was phased out more than a decade ago. However, PFRs have been found in animal studies to cause hormone disruption. Studies have also shown that PFRs can migrate out of furniture and other products into the air and dust of indoor environments.

According to a study by the Harvard University, there is a close relationship between your food intake and your sexual health. It is time that we recall the old adage that we are what we eat and we become what we consume. Many studies have been done in the area to prove this old adage to be true.To be able to produce a baby, you need to have sufficient amount of nutrients in your diet. Your fertility is thus determined by the food you consume on day-to-day basis as well as the lifestyle you maintain.

1. Switch To Protein-Rich Food

Protein- rich food are important to keep your protein cycle intact and is also essential to keep your metabolism alive. According to health experts, intake of leguminous food on everyday basis reduces ovulatory fertility by up to 50 %.

2. Add Some High-Fat Dairy

It is important to replace low-fat dairy products with high-fat dairy products. High-fat diet is essential but taking in excessive amount is also not advisable to boost fertility.

3. Cut-Caffeine

Excessive intake of beverages with high content of caffeine in it leads to reduced infertility and also disturbs ovulation process on monthly basis. While cutting it off entirely is not something which can be advised, but reducing its daily intake is important to boost infertility.

4. Stay Hydrated

Proper water intake on daily basis is important to keep yourself hydrated. Adequate amount of water intake helps in catalysing the supply of nutrient in different parts of your body and boosts your fertility.

5. Don't forget to add Vitamins

Nutrient deficiency is one of the major factors for infertility and weak ovulation process. Vitamin-C, B6 and B12 are essential to conceive later in life. Hence, it is important to take natural vitamins and minerals if you wish to strengthen your fertility.

With Inputs from IANS

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