
What is the treatment for prostatomegaly and renal cysts?

Dr Ashutosh Singh
Consultant Nephrologist,

Q: My father got to know just a week back that he has Grade 1 prostatomegaly and renal cysts. I would appreciate if you could let me know whether these are common with men aged above 50 years? If so, are they curable with medication or does he need to be operated?


Prostatomegaly is an enlarged prostate gland common in elderly men resulting from exposure to hormonal changes in the body.

Read: Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer

Prostate gland: what causes enlargement?

They are mostly benign unless the clinical examination and markedly abnormal specific laboratory blood tests points towards suspicious malignant growth in the prostate which would mandate a confirmatory prostate biopsy. Based upon the size of the enlarged gland, one could remain asymptomatic or develop symptoms including increased difficulty in voiding, urinary infection and obstruction in the urinary outflow tract. Medications do help in treating the enlarged prostate related symptoms. Surgery is needed only in severe cases of enlargement and associated symptoms. Kidney (Renal) Cysts are the sacs filled with fluid and are relatively more common in elderly population. These cysts are mostly benign as noted on the imaging studies (example, ultrasound study of kidneys). They don't require any further intervention.