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How To Lower Your Risk Of Getting HIV?

One of the most dangerous STDs ever is HIV infection. The virus can get transferred to a person's body due to infected blood, semen or vaginal fluids. Here's how you can lower down your risk of getting HIV.

Here's what you should and should not do so as to lower down your risk of getting HIV

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One of the most dangerous Sexually Transmitted diseases to ever exist, HIV infection affected around 80,000 people in the country last year. The HIV infection is caused by a virus of the same name (HIV-Human Immunodeficiency virus) that may get transferred to a person's body due to infected blood, semen or vaginal fluids. Having unprotected sex, having too many sexual partners, sharing drug needles with someone who is infected are the major ways how people develop HIV. Dangerous as it may sound, HIV also gets transferred from an infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding. Symptoms may include fever, sore throat, headaches, muscle aches/joint pain, swollen glands, weight loss and extreme fatigue.

Although anyone can fall prey to the dreadful virus, still, there are things you can do, that will help prevent HIV. Here's how you can lower down your risk of getting HIV.

1. Practice Safer Sex

Mainly spread by having unprotected sex, HIV could very much be prevented if you follow safe and healthy sexual rituals. Use a condom every time you indulge in sexual encounters and take the necessary medications so as to nullify your risk of developing the infection.


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2. Limit your number of partners

The more the number of people you have sex with, the higher is your risk of getting HIV, as it raises your vulnerability to having sex with an infected individual. It is generally recommended to have one sexual partner all through your life so as to keep the risk of dreadful STDs like HIV at bay.

3. Talk to your partner

Get to talking terms with your partner about HIV. Yes, we mean it. Get to know whether they may be at risk of HIV. Also, get tested together to pave the way for a healthier and safer sex life.

4. Get Yourself and your partner(s) tested

Regularly get yourself tested for HIV and also insist your partners to get tested. This will help you know your own and your partner's HIV status in advance, so you can take rational decisions and lower down your risk of getting the virus.

5. Keep Syringes private

Never ever share your needles and syringes with anyone, as the person you may share them with could be infected.

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