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Disturbed Sleeping Patterns Trigger Diabetes In Youngsters, How To Reset Your Body Clock

The department of Non-Communicable diseases states that disturbed sleeping patterns and unhealthy eating habits trigger diabetes in youngsters. This World Diabetes Day, learn how you can reset your body clock the healthy way.

World Diabetes Day 2017: Disturbed sleeping patterns trigger diabetes in youngsters

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Stats revealed on this year's World Diabetes Day state that one tenth women across the globe are suffering from diabetes. The department of Non-Communicable diseases says that due to this they are conducting more number of diabetes screenings due to the increasing prevalence of this disease across the state.

Consultant and diabetologist at the Narayana Medical Centre Dr KVS Mahesh says that their hospital witnesses as many as two to three diabetes patients aged 25-30 every week and the reason to blame is disturbed sleeping patterns and unhealthy eating habits amongst youngsters.

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Due to the working patterns of most youngsters, they try to adapt their body clock to different time zones which ultimately disturbs their metabolism leading to obesity. As a result, they become obese and obesity is one of the root causes of diabetes. Therefore, the incidence of diabetes is increasing.

The deputy director of the department of non communicable diseases, Dr Prakash Patil explained that all the 30 districts of the state are included in the national programme for prevention of cancer, diabetes, strokes and CVDs. This project started in 2010.

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Officials of this department informed that diabetes screening is available in most government hospitals for no cost at all and people should make the most of this service for timely diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

As disturbed sleeping habits are one of the major triggers for diabetes in youngsters, here's a list of tips on how to reset your body clock the healthy way.

Also read: 6 Things You Should Never Do Just Before Sleeping!

1. Do not take a nap during the day

2. Do not sleep for prolonged hours, fix one time when you go to bed and when you wake up.

3. Avoid getting night lights in your room before and when you sleep.

4. Avoid eating and exercising around your bed time.

5. Relax yourself before bedtime, take a warm bath, play relaxing music and set your room according to your comfort to enjoy a good

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