Home Videos USV Beat Diabetes - Managing Pre-Diabetes: Episode 6

USV Beat Diabetes - Managing Pre-Diabetes: Episode 6

USV Beat Diabetes - Managing Pre-Diabetes: Episode 6

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Diabetes in India is a growing health problem, with more than half of the population at risk of developing the condition at any given time in their lives. Diabetes mellitus is a widely diffused chronic condition that impacts several aspects of a patients' lives. If you do not manage this condition well, one can develop severe complications. Many religions practise fasting for spiritual reasons, but it can cause serious health problems for people with diabetes. The changes that occur in the body during fasting depend on the length of the continuous fast. It can affect your body adversely if you don't take proper care. A combination of lifestyle modification, regular exercise and adhering to prescribed medication is essential to manage diabetes. To understand how to effectively manage diabetes , we have with us today a panel of experts.