Home Videos Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 68

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 68

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 68

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These days we often see young adults suffering from sudden cardiac arrests due to sedentary and stressful lifestyles. Without immediate recognition and CPR delivery, the chance of survival decreases significantly as each minute without lifesaving interventions passes.

CPR knowledge will equip you with the skill and the confidence needed to transform yourself from the role of bystander to a lifesaver. Save a Life is an initiative through which people will be made aware of the early signs & symptoms of cardiac arrest so that patients can get to the hospital in time and also be trained on giving CPR if the need arises.

Today, we have with us eminent cardiologists who can help you understand sudden cardiac death and the role of CPR to REVIVE and SAVE A LIFE.