Home Videos Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 66

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 66

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 66

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It's a sad but true fact that the number of people dying from cardiovascular disease is steadily rising in India. Most of these cardiac deaths are sudden and on the spot. It is possible to prevent these sudden cardiac deaths if they receive immediate medical attention and CPR.  The recent incidences of some celebrities collapsing suddenly and passing away due to a heart attack are concerning and shocking.

There is an alarming rise in the number of young patients with heart attacks and sudden cardiac arrest. What is equally scary is that sudden cardiac death may happen in people who have no known history of heart disease. The risk is higher for patients with existing heart disease.

In almost every family we have at least one family member with heart disease. Can one make himself/herself capable enough to save a life in emergency situations? Yes, it is possible if you are well-trained in CPR. Many adults in cardiac arrest can be revived with intact neurologic function if the bystanders provide immediate CPR. Raising public awareness and understanding of the practical applications of CPR is an essential strategy to increase the success rate of CPR in cardiac arrest cases. Save a Life is an initiative through which people will be made aware of the early signs & symptoms of cardiac arrest, train them on CPR, and highlight the role of CPR in saving a life. Today, we have with us eminent.