Home Videos Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 52

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 52

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 52

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A medical emergency may occur at any time to any person. The biggest reason for heart-related deaths is a lack of awareness as to what needs to be done in a cardiac emergency.

The onset of heart disease is seen at a younger age, especially in people in their 30s and 40s.  As per WHO, approximately 4280 out of every one lakh people die every year from Sudden Cardiac Arrest in India alone. Every adult should know which conditions qualify as heart-related or medical emergencies.

Save a Life is an initiative through which people will be made aware of the early signs & symptoms of cardiac arrest so that patients can get to the hospital in time and also be trained on giving CPR if the need arises. The knowledge of the role of CPR is essential to REVIVE and SAVE A LIFE.