Home Videos Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 43

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 43

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 43

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Cardiovascular disease affects the heart and blood vessels. In spite of advancements in cardiovascular healthcare, cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death for both men and women. An important contributor to this burden is sudden cardiac death, which refers to a sudden lack of heart activity. Even young adults are suffering from sudden cardiac death due to sedentary and stressful lifestyles. As per the WHO census statistics, mortality due to cardiac causes, has overtaken mortality due to all cancers put together.

Through advanced research and technology, great gains have been made in diagnostic tools and treatment methods, but there's still much to be done. Raising awareness of this risk and educating the public is very much important. It has been proven that bystander CPR improves the rate of survival by almost 50%. Today, we have with us eminent cardiologists who will help you understand sudden cardiac death and the role of CPR to SAVE A LIFE.