Home Videos Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 16

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 16

Health and Wellness - Save a Life: Episode 16

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It is important to live a balanced life and our health and well-being play an important role in this. Every day we are warned about many devastating diseases. However, one of the deadliest is heart disease. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in men and women worldwide. More people die from it each year than from all forms of cancer combined. Heart disease does not only occur in older adults. It is also affecting more and more younger adults. Heart disease can cause death instantly. The main reason for heart-related deaths is the lack of awareness of what one should do in a cardiac emergency.
Educating the public about the signs of a heart attack and cardiac arrest and the importance of taking immediate action to improve survival can minimise the damage that can occur after a heart attack or cardiac arrest. Although the right is higher in people with heart disease, cardiac arrest can also occur without warning, in people who appear healthy and have no known heart disease or other risk factors. Most cases of sudden cardiac arrest occur outside of hospitals. It most often happens in the home and in public. We can reduce the mortality rate through awareness and bystander intervention. Life-saving techniques such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation give you the opportunity to save a life. Save a Life is an initiative to make people aware of the early signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest so that patients can get to hospital in time, and be trained in resuscitation if the need arises.
Today we have eminent cardiologists with us who can help you understand sudden cardiac death and the role of CPR to REVIVE and SAVE A LIFE.