Home Videos Health and Wellness - Myths & Facts - Hormones: Episode 27

Health and Wellness - Myths & Facts - Hormones: Episode 27

Health and Wellness - Myths & Facts - Hormones: Episode 27

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Osteoporosis is a global health problem! Did you know - worldwide, fractures affect one in three women and one in five men over the age of 50. Our bones are living tissue that give our body structure and allows us to move and protect our organs. Bones that suffer from osteoporosis become more porous and fragile, making them more liable to break, which can cause considerable pain and disability. Many people think osteoporosis is simply linked to old age – the older we get, the more chance we have of developing osteoporosis. While this is true in some ways, age isn't the only factor involved, and osteoporosis is linked to various other medical conditions. You will be surprised to know that even hormonal imbalances can cause osteoporosis. Many hormones in the body affect the bone turnover. If you have a disorder of the hormone-producing glands, you may have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. The good part is that there is a lot you can do to protect your bones throughout your life. You're never too young or too old to improve the health of your bones. By being aware of osteoporosis and understanding the risk factors, you can make sure that you get diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Today, we have with us an eminent panel of endocrinologists who will help us understand and manage Osteoporosis better.