Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Skin: Dermatologist Lists
In an Instagram reel, dermatologist Dr. Jushya Bhatia explained the benefits of Omega-3s for your skin.

Your diet affects your skin health in more ways than one. Not many know that a few nutrients can do wonders for your skin. Adding these to your diet can give you flawless skin inside out. Omega-3 fatty acids are linked with several health benefits. By now, you must know that omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly good for your heart and brain. In an Instagram reel, dermatologist Dr. Jushya Bhatia explained the benefits of Omega-3s for your skin. Keep reading to know these.
Omega-3 for skin: Know the benefits
"Did you know omega-3 fatty acids are like a magic potion for your skin? There's nothing that Omega-3 fatty acids cannot do for your skin," said Dr. Bhatia.
She has listed the following benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids:
1. They give you softer, supple skin:
Omega-3 fatty acids can strengthen your skin's barrier. This helps in sealing in moisture and keeping irritants at bay. Omega-3 fatty acids also help improve dry skin.
2. They can contribute to collagen production:
Collagen gives structure, strength and elasticity to your skin. Wrinkled and sagging skin are signs of low collagen in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids assist in collagen production making your skin more elastic.
3. Reduces redness and swelling of acne, eczema and rosacea:
Omega-3 fatty acids can help manage common skin-related problems including redness, eczema, rosacea and swelling due to acne.
4. They protect you from UV damage:
Other than applying sunscreen, adding Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet can also help prevent damage from UV rays.
5. They promote healing:
Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, increase collagen synthesis, prevent infection and support early wound healing.