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Working In A 9-To-5 Desk Job? Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal Shares A Diet Structure For You

Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal outlines the diet structure for an individual who has a desk job.

Nmami suggests eating a low-calorie, light dinner

Are you a person who has a desk job and works from 9 am to 5 pm? Is your rigorous working hours take a toll on your health? Or your productivity is suffering as a result of low energy levels? If so, it is time to alter your food habits. Our dietary habits have a significant impact on our energy levels. Most people, who have sedentary, desk jobs complain of issues like weight gain, tiredness, laziness, etc. Improper dietary habits just aggravate the issues. So, modifying them can have a significant impact on us as well.

Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal, in an Instagram post, shares a solution for the same. The health expert outlines a diet structure for an individual who has a 9 to 5 desk job.

Here's what Nmami Agarwal advises:

1. Early morning

The expert says that the idea behind having nutrient-dense food items early in the morning is to break the fast between sleeping and waking up. Nmami suggests “having a handful of nuts” early morning to break the fast.

2. Breakfast

This is the time when the body is most adaptable for absorbing nutrients. Hence, the nutritionist opines to consume an ideal blend of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Examples of some healthy breakfasts are idli sambhar, besan chilla, or an omelet with toast.

3. Mid-morning Snack

While we are so engrossed in our work, we pay little to no attention to our diet. According to Nmami, the idea behind the mid-morning snack is to avoid long gaps between meals. Despite your busy schedule, take out time to grab a glass of buttermilk, and coconut water or eat some fruits.

4. Lunch

Ever felt lazy or sleepy after your lunch? This is because we aren't mindful of the portion of the food we consume. An ideal lunch should be a blend of roti, dal (pulses) sabzi (vegetables), raita (curd), and rice.

5. Evening snack

Evening snacks are also called the danger zone. At this time there are high chances of us munching down unhealthy junk food. The nutritionist explains that one should carry roasted chana, roasted makhana, and hummus with vegetable sticks or fruits to curb the hunger pangs during the evening.

6. Dinner

The dinner should be light because the physical activity of an individual reduces by this time. For non-vegetarians, the health expert suggests chicken with vegetables, and as for vegetarians she said, “roti, sabzi, and daal” are good to go.

Watch Nmami Agarwal's video here:

A post shared by Nmami (@nmamiagarwal)

While concluding her video, Nmami Agarwal shares how we should reduce the number of meals, as the day passes.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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