Try This No-Equipment Bootcamp Workout At Home
Each of the six exercises she listed out goes for 30 seconds flat and you can do it for two rounds.
It's getting cold outside and stepping out to go to the gym may sometimes seem like a task. Don't fret and don't worry about not having any equipment as here's a primer on a full-body workout using just your towel-size mat. Fitness expert Kayla Itsines has shared a video of zero equipment-style boot camp workout for fitness enthusiasts, who are bogged down by social-distancing norms and restrictions these days. Interestingly, the routine includes only six exercises and there is no jumping involved. So if you live in an apartment don't worry, the exercises are going to be “super quiet”, she adds.
Kayla Itsines says she has completed the routine for the same amount of time any of her followers will, “so it's like I'm right there with you.” “As a trainer, I love jumping in and working out alongside my clients to help them push through it… even if it is through Instagram.”