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World No Tobacco Day 2022: Here’s The Date, Theme, History And Significance

World No Tobacco Day 2022: World No Tobacco Day aims at spreading awareness on the ill-effects of tobacco consumption

World No Tobacco Day 2022: Tobacco causes early mortality and weakens the immune system

Tobacco use for the sake of addiction may provide temporary pleasure, but the long-term consequences can be exceedingly harmful and lethal. Every year on May 31, World No Tobacco Day is commemorated to raise public awareness about the health risks associated with tobacco use. The usage of this substance can lead to a variety of health problems, including chronic cough, cancer, tooth decay, cardiovascular disease, and, in some circumstances, tooth discoloration. As a result, health experts have constantly emphasised the importance of quitting tobacco and avoiding these potential health risks. Tobacco users or smokers are urged to strive to overcome their need to use tobacco in order to be safe.


The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2022 is “Protect The Environment”. The main objective is to garner more attention from people towards the harmful impact of tobacco on the environment.

Pesticides, fertilisers, and a lot of water go into the process of cultivating tobacco. Furthermore, its smoke releases a variety of dangerous greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming. Tobacco cultivation has also led to deforestation, which is not a healthy sign.

Tobacco use is not only harmful to people's health but it also to the environment in a variety of ways. Preventing the use of tobacco in any form can help us avoid its harmful health effects while also protecting the environment.


In 1987, the World Health Organization (WHO) and its member states established World No Smoking Day. The main objective for coming up with the idea was to draw attention to the fatalities and diseases caused by tobacco usage around the world.

The World Health Assembly issued a resolution on May 15, 1987, designating April 7 as “World No-Smoking Day”.

Then, in 1988, another resolution was enacted, declaring May 31 to be World No Tobacco Day every year.


The negative influence of tobacco on people's health is highlighted on World No Tobacco Day. Tobacco is the largest cause of needless deaths worldwide, according to numerous research. Not only that, but tobacco use can lead to a variety of respiratory difficulties, lung cancer, and other issues.

Tobacco not only causes early mortality, but also weakens the immune system. As a result, people are more susceptible to infections.

This day is also for policymakers to create policies that will lead to a decrease in cigarette consumption.

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