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World Brain Tumour Day 2024: Know Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment Options

The lack of awareness around the condition and its symptoms also manifests as a burden of brain tumours, affecting individuals of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.

In most cases, the exact cause of most brain tumours remains elusive

Brain tumours, though relatively rare, pose a significant health challenge globally. Brain tumour is abnormal growth of cells which can vary widely in their behavior, from benign and slow growing to malignant and aggressive. In India, the prevalence of brain tumours varies from 5 to 10 per million people, accounting for 2% of all malignancies. The lack of awareness around the condition and its symptoms also manifests as a burden of brain tumours, affecting individuals of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.

In most cases, the exact cause of most brain tumours remains elusive. However, they can develop from various factors, including genetic predisposition, exposure to radiation, or certain environmental influences. Once formed, these tumours may spread within the brain, compressing surrounding tissues and interfering with normal brain functions.

Unlike malignant tumours elsewhere in the body - the primary brain tumours do not spread to other parts of the body through metastasis. They can however spread in the brain and the spine - further complicating treatment and prognosis.

The tumour often manifests in diverse ways, some of which may be subtle or easily overlooked. While symptoms like headaches, seizures, and cognitive changes are well-recognized indicators, others such as ringing in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness, and pressure sensations in the head are less commonly associated but still reported by many patients.

Tinnitus and dizziness especially if present in one ear only maybe the defining symptoms of a particular brain tumour called a vestibular or acoustic schwannoma - a benign tumour arising from the hearing nerve. However, these symptoms may be commonly reported with other brain tumours also. In fact, in many cases of brain tumours, these symptoms coexist with more typical manifestations. Other symptoms that may accompany or relate to tinnitus and dizziness include persistent headaches, nausea, or vomiting (especially in the morning), visual disturbances, difficulty in balance or coordination, weakness or numbness in limbs, and changes in personality or mood. If these symptoms persist or worsen over time, it's essential to seek medical evaluation to rule out serious underlying causes.

Furthermore, recognizing the significance of these symptoms, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of seeking medical attention promptly. Early detection and diagnosis can significantly impact treatment outcomes and quality of life for individuals affected by brain tumours. Healthcare professionals typically employ a combination of diagnostic tools, including imaging tests like MRI or CT scans, and neurological examinations to confirm the presence of a brain tumour and determine its characteristics.

Management of brain tumours often involves a multidisciplinary approach, tailored to the specific type, size, and location of the tumour, as well as the individual's overall health and preferences. Treatment modalities may include surgical resection, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination thereof. Additionally, supportive care measures, such as medications to manage symptoms or rehabilitative therapies, play a vital role in enhancing patients' well-being throughout their treatment journey.

(Dr. V. P. Singh, Chairman, Neurosurgery, Neurosciences, Medanta, Gurugram)

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