Home »  Living Healthy  »  Ultra-Processed Foods Are Extremely Harmful For The Body; Try These Healthy Alternatives To Your Favourite Ultra-Processed Foods

Ultra-Processed Foods Are Extremely Harmful For The Body; Try These Healthy Alternatives To Your Favourite Ultra-Processed Foods

We discuss several healthy substitutes for popular ultra-processed foods in this article.

It can be hard to find healthy alternatives to junk food but it is essential to good health

Foods that have undergone extensive processing are frequently found on kitchen tables in homes. They include things like breakfast cereals, muffins, snack bars, and yogurt with added sugar that you might not even consider to be junk food. Also included are soft drinks and energy drinks. 

A huge diversity of flavours and ingredients are used in the dozens of new ultra-processed foods that food firms release every year. These goods contain powerful ratios of sodium, sugar, fat, and artificial tastes. They are irresistible, simple to overeat, and capable of taking over the brain's reward system and inciting strong desires. This is what scientists refer to as being hyper-palatable.

Although most ultra-processed foods are enjoyed by most of us, researchers have shown that eating foods that have undergone extreme processing is associated with greater incidences of obesity, heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer. 

To lower risks of these chronic diseases, you may start with avoiding ultra-processed foods. Although, this lifestyle change sounds easier than it actually is. Hence, you can start with swapping these ultra-processed foods with healthier alternatives. In this article, we share some healthier alternatives to popular ultra-processed foods. 

Try these healthier alternatives of your favourite (but unhealthy) ultra-processed foods:

1. Lemon water (Bottled drinks)

We are all well aware of the numerous negative effects of soft drinks, including kidney damage and high blood pressure. While we enjoy the rush of adrenaline and feeling of renewal that comes from drinking soft drinks, soda in any form isn't good for us. A glass of cooled lemon water serves as an excellent substitute because it is abundant in vitamins and also cools our bodies at all times.

2. Roasted/ air-fried veggies (French fries)

Instead of fries, opt for roasted vegetables instead. Although they are significantly healthier, veggie fries can nevertheless have the same crispy-yet-soft texture as regular french fries. Baked carrots, parsnips, and sweet potatoes provide a variety of nutrients and are easy to prepare in the oven. You can elevate the taste by adding seasonings such as oregano, chilli flakes, garlic powder, etc. 

3. Smoothie (Milkshake)

Avoid milkshakes and head straight for homemade smoothies. Choose the healthy alternative of sweet fruits when you're desiring a thick, icy dessert while it's sweltering outside. But if you want a nutritious smoothie that tastes more like a classic milkshake, try the Peanut Butter Oat Smoothie, which is nutrient- and protein-dense while still being rich and sweet.

4. Frozen yogurt (Ice cream)

This delicious treat paves the way to ruin with its own sugars, artificial flavourings, and fats. Next time you're in the mood for ice cream, go for frozen yogurt. Frozen yogurt is a healthy alternative made of dairy and non-dairy ingredients because it has far fewer calories and sugar than ice cream and is a substantial source of protein and calcium.

5. Dark chocolate (Chocolate) 

The happiness we experience when eating chocolate is indescribable. They are inexpensive to buy and unquestionably wonderful. However, a momentary thrill isn't a good enough excuse to ignore the risk that these foods can provide. Dark chocolate is a much better substitute to choose. Dark chocolate is a treat we may enjoy while enhancing our health because it is loaded with soluble fibres, antioxidants, and nutrients like iron, magnesium, and copper, among others.

6. Popcorn (Chips)

While we all agree that chips are perfect to munch on, they are also incredibly high in fats and chemicals. You shouldn't compromise on your health when popcorn is an equally delicious alternative.  When properly made, freshly air-popped popcorn includes a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and fibre without any cholesterol. This snack is healthier and lower in calories without any additional preservatives.

Add these healthier food alternatives to your diet if you wish to improve your diet and reduce your consumption of ultra-processed foods. 

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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