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Top 10 Deadliest Kinds Of Cancer

While the promise of a cure is elusive, cancer usually strikes without much warning. Here are the top 10 deadliest kinds of cancer:

Diabetes, liver damage, and smoking cigarettes are the causes of pancreatic cancer

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Everybody advising against looking up a certain skin rash or excessive hair fall or any seemingly innocent bodily condition on Google is actually based on an understandable premise - they all lead to cancer! People even go to such an extent that they refrain from saying the terminal condition's name, like a taboo. Said to be the second leading cause for death globally, cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body which occurs when abnormal cells are created at a rapid rate while growing beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs, the latter process is referred to as metastasizing.

While the promise of a cure is elusive, cancer usually strikes without much warning. Given below are the top 10 deadliest kinds of cancer:

1. Lung and bronchial cancer

Unfortunately, many people do not experience symptoms of this top killer cancer until it spreads to other areas of the body. Smoking and use of tobacco products are the major risk factors for developing lung cancer, and it strikes most often between the ages of 55 and 65. Between the two types of lung cancers, the other being the most common - nonsmall lung cancer, small cell lung cancer spreads more quickly.

2. Colorectal cancer

Despite being one of the fatal cancers, colorectal cancer has the probability of being the most curable one. Most cases begin as clumps of small, benign cells called polyps in the colon or rectum that over time become cancerous. Age is a huge risk factor for colorectal cancer - more than 90% of cases occur among those over the age of 50 which is why regular colon screenings after the age of 50 are recommended.

3. Pancreatic cancer

Most cancers in the pancreas are said to start in the glands responsible for producing the digestive enzymes that help break down proteins, fats, and starches. Detection and early intervention are difficult because it often progressives stealthily and rapidly. Jaundice (yellowing of the skin), digestive problems, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and nausea are all common once the disease advances. Diabetes, liver damage, smoking cigarettes, and an unhealthy lifestyle can be the possible causes for developing pancreatic cancer.

4. Breast cancer

Unlike popular belief, men can also be at the risk of developing this type of cancer which is the second most common type in women. The cancer usually forms in the ducts that carry milk to the nipple or the glands that produce the milk in women. Like other cancers, family history plays a big role in breast cancer with cases like menstruating before the age of 12, going through menopause after the age of 55, never giving birth, and giving birth to your first child later in life being other major risk factors.

5. Prostate cancer

This cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in men, and usually starts to grow slowly in the prostate gland, which produces the seminal fluid to transport sperm. Some types remain confined to the gland, and are easier to treat, but others are more aggressive and spread quickly. Prostate cancer typically has no symptoms in its early stages, making it all the more deadly.

6. Liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer

Liver cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer around the world and can be a reason to cut down the alcohol intake. Liver cancer occurs when unhealthy cells in the organ grow and spread. Hepatitis B and C infections are linked closely to liver cancer because they can also lead to cirrhosis, which is when healthy liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue. A closely related cancer is intrahepatic bile duct cancer, which occurs in the duct that carries bile from the liver to the small intestine.

7. Ovarian cancer

Easier to cure but harder to detect in early stages, some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer include abdominal discomfort, urgency to urinate and pelvic pain. The median age of women diagnosed with it is 63. Fertility drugs have been linked to a higher risk of ovarian cancer, especially in women who used them for more than one year without becoming pregnant. Those who are infertile may also have a higher risk than those who are not, possible due to not carrying a pregnancy.

8. Leukemia

All types of leukemia affect the blood-forming tissues of the body, such as the bone marrow and the lymphatic system, and result in an overproduction of abnormal white blood cells. The symptoms of leukemia often go undetected, which can make this disease even deadlier. Cold and flu-like symptoms are common, but certain types of leukemia can live inside the body for years without showing any symptoms.

9. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

This cancer affects the lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, and is characterized by larger lymph nodes, fever and weight loss. There are more than 30 subtypes of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which are categorized according to how fast they're growing. Researchers have found those who live and work in farming communities tend to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma more so than others, which leads some to believe pesticides and herbicides may play a role.

10. Brain or nervous system brain cancer

This type of cancer occurs when there's an abnormal growth of cells in the brain, or it can occur in other organs travelling via the bloodstream. Treating brain cancer can be a complex process involving neurosurgeons, oncologists, and neurologists. Unfortunately, the symptoms are so numerous that most people do not know they have a serious disease. Headaches, muscle weakness, and clumsiness can all occur, but because they are so general, few people attribute them to cancer.

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