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Yes! Apple Cider Vinegar Has Side Effects Too

'Excess of everything is bad.' Heard it like a million times, but you may even have to experience it if you end up consuming excess of ACV!

Side effects of apple cider vinegar

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You must have heard about the many benefits of apple cider vinegar. This natural tonic is known for melting belly fat and easing digestion. This makes people go for an excess consumption of the natural tonic, which comes with side effects. Yes, it can have side effects. When apple is combined with yeast, ACV is the result. The yeast converts sugar into alcohol which is further fermented into acetic acid with the addition of bacteria. Now the acetic acid is a weak acid but is fairly strong when concentrated. So it is suggestive to dilute this tonic and then consume it.

Excess consumption may lead to side effects
Photo Credit: istock

The oral consumption of this tonic in the concentrated form can lead to a number of side effects. Take a look at these points to be safe from the reaction of the citric acids of ACV:

1. It may harm you internally

ACV is highly citric in nature and an overuse can erode your teeth and stomach lining. Also, a direct application on the skin may not turn out well. It can lead to a rash or even a burn. Dilute it will water or honey for results. Never go for a direct consumption.

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2. Do not mix it with medication

Certain heart and diabetes medication may not react well when combined with ACV. It may drop your blood sugar to very low levels. So, be sure to double check for all potential outcomes before going for ACV.

3. Harms bones

Ladies, beware. If you are suffering from osteoporosis, increased intake of ACV can deplete your bones. So, you need to figure out the perfect balance, so you get the benefits not the side effects.

It may erode your bones
Photo Credit: istock

4. It may hurt your tummy

Too much ACV can hurt your stomach. This is ironical given the fact that ACV is known an aid for digestion. But excessive consumption can do just the opposite. It can lead to side effects like stomach aches, cramping and even the erosion of your stomach lining.

It may lead to stomach aches
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5. Sore throat

Acetic acid in this vinegar burns your throat. Excess consumption of ACV can give you sore throat and irritation for up to 7 days. Be sure to dilute the vinegar before harming yourself with any such side effect.

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6. Headache and nausea

People who drink ACV regularly experience nausea. It kills appetite which in turn induces weight loss, but it also leads to a sense of nausea and severe headaches. The detoxification process is to be blamed here. This is when our brain releases toxins leading to this condition.

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'Excess of everything is bad.' Heard it like a million times, but you may even have to experience it if you end up consuming excess of ACV!

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