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Debunked: Myths About Blood Donation

The demand for blood donation is one percent of the total population. What are the reasons that are stopping people from donating blood?

Donating blood will not make you fall sick
Has the thought of donating blood ever crossed your mind? Have you ever thought of the after effects of the same? As per World Health Organization standards, the demand for blood donation is one percent of the total population. What are the reasons that are stopping people from donating blood? Various myths related to blood donation deter people from volunteering for such a noble cause. People fear that donating blood might lead to weakness or they might be prone to diseases like HIV. But, is that really the case? It's high time we get over these blood donating myths and move on.

Myth 1: Donating blood will make you feel weak

Donating blood doesn't lead to weakness of any kind. There's no need for a donor to rest for 24 hours post donating blood. A few precautions need to be kept in mind like drinking sufficient, water, not smoking for the next 24 hours and avoid driving for the next few hours. A person can donate blood four times in an year without worrying about their health. It is not as complicated a procedure as people think it is.

Myth 2: Donating blood will lower your immunity level

Your immunity level will stay intact. Donating blood will neither lower the iron level in your body nor will it affect the blood sugar and blood pressure levels. There's one precaution which states that a diabetic patient on insulin cannot qualify as a blood donor.

Myth 3: You can be a blood donor if under medication

If you are taking antibiotics, hormones and steroids, it is advisable for you not to donate blood. Even pregnant woman are advised not to donate blood. One should not donate blood if they are fasting and should have a meal atleast four hours before they donate blood.

Myth 4: Donating blood will make you fall sick

Donating blood in no way will make a donor fall sick. In a news interview, Annapurna Agrawal, a nutritionist at Snap Fitness India said, "Before you donate blood, make sure you include iron rich foods and foods that contain Vitamin C into your diet. Also, make sure you have enough fluids before and after you donate."

Myth 5: I can get an infection while donating blood

Sterile equipment is used, which limits the chance of infection.

Myth 6: The process is very time consuming

A single donation session normally does not take more than an hour so make the time and go donate blood.

Myth 7: My haemoglobin will dip after donating

Not more than 470 ml of blood is taken at one session. Your body replaces this in a very short period of time. Donating blood does not lead to any decrease in your haemoglobin level.

Myth 8: Elderly people can not donate blood

Anyone up to the age of 60 years and is fit and healthy can donate blood. Stop thinking and start donating! You might save a life.

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