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Breathe Deeply To Promote Calmness And Detoxification: Here's How You Can Practice This Simple Exercise

The exercise aims at improving your breathing process and helps in detoxification of the body.

This simple breathing exercise can help in detoxification of the body

The way you breathe plays a major role in your overall health. Much like your diet and exercise, you must also be conscious of the right way to breathe, in order to improve your health. A little breathwork on a daily basis is very important for your body. It clears toxins from the body and helps you stay calm in stressful situations, according to lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho. In his new Facebook video, Luke has shared a powerful detoxifying breathwork exercise with his viewers. In it, he stated that we are consuming toxins all the time, whether it be through the food we eat or the air we breathe. He said, “Today, we'll look at how to expel the toxins that we take in with almost every breath that we breathe especially when we live in cities, polluted areas.”

Luke Coutinho explained the whole process by dividing it into three parts:

1) Inhale

The first step in this breathwork is to sit straight and inhale. Do not inhale from the chest but try to go deeper this time, into your diaphragm. When you inhale, your belly should rise. Do this slowly and steadily at your own pace. “Do not be in a hurry,” Luke explained. “If you can't make breathe deeply at your first few attempts, do not worry. You will reach there with practice."

2) Exhale:

Next, exhale slowly and without hurrying. Do this at a pace that is comfortable for you. Luke said, “As you inhale, your belly needs to rise gently and as you exhale, your chest collapses your diaphragm and your belly goes back in.” Practice this to start breathing deeper.

3) Squeeze in your belly              

After you exhale, further pull your navel in towards your spine so that all the extra air and toxins within your lungs are expelled out. “Your lungs are a detoxification organ. The job of the lungs is to take in air and give out toxins. Every cell that accepts oxygen and food will always have waste as a by-product and it has to come out of your system,” the expert said. Squeezing your belly helps in the process. You may soon find that the next inhale comes a little quicker, Luke said in the clip and added that this is normal.

“If you try to expel too much, you'll gasp for the next breath. You'll be able to make the process deeper with practice,” he added.

Luke told viewers to refrain from doing the exercise if they have some kind of abdominal discomfort or have undergone surgery.

He suggested doing this breathwork twice a day: when you wake up and before going to sleep. “Continuous four to five deep breaths are enough. Don't do more than that,” Luke said in the clip. 

He also stated that you can continue your other breathing exercise or pranayama after this. If you don't have any other breathwork to do, you can choose to meditate for some time.

He told viewers that they would feel calm after performing this breathing exercise.

Find Luke's video here:

Try this breathing exercise for a healthier body.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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