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How To Prevent And Treat Appendicitis Naturally

Appendicitis is a chronic condition, which, if left untreated, can cause a great deal of pain. Here's how you can treat it naturally.

Appendix pain or appendicitis takes place as a result of appendix inflammation

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You all must have heard about the appendix, a 3.5 inch-long tube which is located in the lower-right quadrant of your abdomen. The function of the appendix is still unknown, but it is definitely known that a person can function without an appendix. Appendix pain or appendicitis takes place as a result of appendix inflammation. Appendicitis is a chronic condition, which, if left untreated, can cause a great deal of pain. It occurs when the appendix gets blocked or infected, and the worst part is that there are no warning signs of this condition whatsoever.

Sadly, in most cases, it is not diagnosed early which is why removal of this organ becomes the sole solution. If it bursts, the condition can be life-threatening for you. So before the condition gets any worse and you may have to seek surgical support, you can try some home remedies for relief.

Take a look at 5 best natural remedies for appendicitis.

1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is known for its benefits in treating appendicitis naturally. Primarily, fenugreek prevents the formation of mucus and pus inside the appendix, thereby preventing pain. You can boil two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in one liter of water for about 30 minutes. Then strain it and drink it twice daily to see treat this condition.

Use fenugreek seeds to treat appendicitis 
Photo Credit: iStock

2. Almond oil

Almond oil is also considered as an effective remedy for treating appendicitis inflammation. Use it for massaging purposes. Apply a hot compress on your abdomen and then soak the towel in almond oil and massage it thoroughly in the affected areas. You may have to repeat this multiple times till you see the difference. It will provide you with significant relief from pain and inflammation.

Use almond oil to treat appendicitis 
Photo Credit: iStock

3. Ginseng

The properties of this natural herb are known for its ability to treat appendicitis pain effectively. All you need to do is drink ginseng tea twice a day till you notice some relief in pain.

Use ginseng to treat appendicitis 
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Vegetable juice

Vegetable juices like carrot juice, cucumber, and beetroot juice can work wonders in treating appendicitis pain for you. Drink this juice twice daily to get relief from appendix pain. You can also prepare a drink by combining radish, coriander and spinach juice to get relief from the pain naturally.

Drink vegetable juice to treat appendicitis 
Photo Credit: iStock

5. Mint

Mint is also a useful home remedy for treating appendicitis. It helps in treating the symptoms of appendicitis like nausea, vomiting, and gas. You can prepare mint tea by boiling a few mint leaves in water and drinking it thrice daily. You could also chew some mint leaves to get relief from appendix pain.

Use mint leaves to treat appendicitis 
Photo Credit: iStock

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 

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