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Father's Day 2019: Here's How Fathers Can Impact The Growth And Well Being Of Their Children

Father's Day 2019: Your relationship with your father can significantly influence your personality. Many look upon their fathers as their impact can shape a child's future. Read here as we talk about the importance of healthy father-child relationship.

Father's day 2019: Fathers involvement with children can boost their confidence.

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June 16th is observed as Father's Day. While mothers are considered more emotionally close to children, how does a father's engagement influence children? A father's involvement or engagement with his child has a significant impact on the lives their children lead as they grow. This Father's Day, let's recognise the contributions fathers make to their children by 'being involved' in a quintessential way, irrespective of whether they stay with their children or away from them. The impact that father's relationship with the child can be remarkable for the child's growth and well-being.

Also read: Babies Who Resemble Their Fathers Are Likely To Be Healthier

Father's Day 2019: Father-child relationships are key to overall growth of child

Fathers are incredibly significant influencer and directly connected to the growth and development of young children. Children who have active fathers who are involved in their activities and decision-making process during childhood and adolescent years have abundant benefits that could tune their personality and mould their future. Various researches have proven these benefits. Fathers play a significantly large role in their child's development - right from language and cognitive skills to social skills and behaviour. Children usually follow their dads as role models. For example, individuals with fathers who were actively involved with them during childhood are more likely to have a strong and lasting marriage.

When children grow up, they look-up to their parents as to what they should or shouldn't be doing. For young girls especially, fathers can make a huge impact in boosting their self-confidence and self-esteem helping them grow into a woman. On the other hand, father and son can develop a buddy relationship as the child grown into adulthood.

Father's day 2019: Children look up to their fathers as their role models
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Fathers Of Premature Babies Deal With More Stress Than Mothers

Fathers encourage more of exploratory and independent behaviour on part of their young children and tend to engage them in more of physical and stimulating activities. Father's involvement with their children usually leads to better emotional, academic, social and behavioural outcomes for children. In school, when dads engage with other students and interact with teachers and other parents, children tend to learn more and perform better. They gain confidence to participate in extracurricular activities, enjoy going to school, exhibit healthier behaviour, are more disciplined and cheerful.

Father's involvement with their children has a direct correlation to higher levels of sociability, confidence and self-control among children. A child's healthy physical, social and emotional development is fostered by their father's engagement and quality of relationship they share with their children. It's not the time they spend together that matters, rather it's the quality of time and the bonding they share, which leaves a lasting impact of a father in a child's life. This bond is built through the care, time, and attention you give to your child. The relationship between a father and child can vary and there is no set rule that's right.

(Dr. Vishnuvardhan Reddy Meedimale is Consultant Neonatal & Pediatric Intensivist, Apollo Cradle, Kondapur, Hyderabad)

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