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Legal Phentermine Alternatives (Phentermine Over-The-Counter) - 2024 Reviews And Side Effects

Legal Phentermine Alternatives: Do you think only drugs will solve the problem of your extra kilos? You are wrong. Read this article before you let disappointment get the better of you.

Legal Phentermine Alternatives


Obesity is - especially nowadays - a gradually increasing global health problem. A growing number of people (men, women and children) are becoming significantly overweight and obese. As the problem seems to have reached "epidemic proportions" - in developed and developing countries - the scientific community seems to be coordinating its action to effectively deal with the problem.

However, losing weight is not a simple matter. It is not easy for any person to implement radical changes in their lifestyle, and limit their diet. To implement regular physical exercise and follow a healthy sleep and rest schedule. These changes, however, are imperative in dealing with obesity.

Today, fortunately, science has advanced in this area, developing drugs to treat severe cases of obesity (where the person's life is in immediate danger). This treatment of obesity is clearly (exclusively) prescribed and must be monitored throughout its duration by a specialist doctor (who will apply modifications to the treatment if this is deemed necessary).

Treating obesity with prescription drugs is completely effective, nevertheless, not without "adverse effects" on the user's health.

Prescription anti-obesity drugs include lorcaserin (a selective serotonin agonist), liraglutide (a diabetes drug that acts on the brain's appetite center), bupropion/naltrexone (acting directly on the brain's hypothalamus), and certainly the phentermine/topiramate combination.

The purpose of the following article is to provide a general overview of the obesity problem, explain the effects (and risks) of the prescription drug Phentermine, and explore natural remedies (such as legal over-the-counter alternatives to the pharmaceutical Phentermine).

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Obesity: The "rich country disease" of today

At the beginning of this article, it is important to make it clear that obesity is not only about sensory factors, about beauty or about standards projected by the media.

Obesity is a very serious disease, which even seems to show epidemiological evidence.

It is also important to emphasize that obesity has been scientifically proven to be associated with an increased risk factor for very serious (even fatal) diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, various cardiovascular diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, some forms of cancer, even mobility problems or psychological conditions.

Obesity has been characterized - and not unjustly - as the "disease of the rich countries of the world", as it is the disease of their modern sedentary lifestyle, intense daily stress, and bad eating habits.

This is also the reason why obesity, to be treated, primarily requires decisive changes in the person's diet and lifestyle, and briefly (if this is deemed necessary by the specialist) medication and surgical treatment.

Nevertheless, even in cases where medication is not prescribed, there is a solution today.

These people can be helped and benefit from special natural weight loss supplements. Alternative suggestions for the well-known pharmaceutical Phentermine.

Obesity Statistics, that kill

According to the latest report of the World Health Organization (WHO), the situation has shown a steep increase in recent years. Obesity is now a serious global problem that requires a solution. Almost 59% of adults show an increased body weight within the limits of obesity. However, the problem does not only concern adults but also children.

29% of adolescent boys and 27% of adolescent girls (in measurements made in Europe) are overweight (with a predisposition to developing obesity) or even obese. Nevertheless, the numbers are completely out of whack when we refer to measurements in the Americas, with Europe followed by large percentages as well.

In any case, how is obesity defined? When do we refer to "clinical obesity" and when simply to "excess body weight"? First, let's clarify that the condition of an overweight person (i.e. with a BMI of 25 - 29.9 Kg/m2) is a completely different condition and a completely different and more serious condition for an obese person (i.e. with a BMI greater than 30 Kg/m2) .

However, even for obese people, there is further categorization:

- grade I obesity with a BMI of 30 - 34.9

- grade II obesity with a BMI of 35 - 39.9

- and grade III obesity or morbid obesity with a BMI > 40

Concluding our review of obesity statistics, it may be worth paying extra attention to the following:

Body weight is inextricably linked to a person's overall health.

When the body weight exceeds the "normal" limits, the risks of developing serious diseases (such as angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack, diabetes, and stroke) increase steeply... and the risk of premature death increases at the same time!

Statistics confirm that obesity is associated with more than 1,200,000 deaths per year in Europe (i.e. almost 13% of total deaths per year). In America, the numbers are (unfortunately) even more disappointing. Obesity - proven (as mentioned) - has been linked to at least 13 different types of cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases.

Being overweight appears to be responsible for 7% of total years of life with disabilities in Europe. And the list of consequences of being overweight is endless. In summary, we will say that worldwide more than 500 million people are obese, while more than 1.5 billion people are overweight with a tendency towards obesity.

The Phentermine/Topiramate treatment

Phentermine is the number one (prescription) treatment for obesity worldwide. It is an amphetamine analogue used legally in the US since 1959 as a pharmaceutical treatment for obesity.

The action of this medicine is based on the immediate and effective suppression of appetite. It achieves this (with its special composition) by directly affecting the satiety centres located in the hypothalamus of the brain.

How is it possible? Through the catecholamine system. Topiramate, on the other hand, is not a drug created to fight obesity. Everything else. It is a drug created to treat epilepsy and migraine. Nevertheless, how did Phentermine combined with Topiramate in the fight against obesity?

Scientific research has indicated favorable effects of Topiramate on weight loss which are mainly related to the antagonism of AMPA/KA receptors and the enhancement of the action of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the calcium-sodium channels of the cells.

Studies have shown that topiramate can promote weight loss through reduced food intake, but also through increased energy expenditure.

This pharmaceutical combination of Phentermine and Topiramate was approved in 2012 by the FDA and was based on the results of specific studies (more specifically we refer to the ONQUER, EQUIP and SEQUEL studies).

In summary, we would state that the use of this drug (phentermine and topiramate) achieved a 5% weight loss in approximately 75% of patients. In addition, approximately 50% of these patients experienced a weight loss of 10%.

The majority of drug users showed a significant improvement in their overall health. Surely - even in the case of pharmaceutical treatment (such as Phentermine/Topiramate) - the attending physician primarily recommends a change in the patient's lifestyle and diet.

So why is it valid? Because obese people are "sick".

Adverse Effects of Phentermine

Phentermine is a medication ONLY prescribed to obese people (i.e. people with a BMI > 30 kg/m2) and indeed only in special cases where there is a clear risk to the person's life.

The reason is simple. This particular drug acts directly on the user's brain. However, this - in addition to its positive effect - can also bring many side effects. Adverse reactions observed in clinical studies of Phentermine-treated subjects include paresthesia (17%), dry mouth (16.6%), and constipation (15.1%).

In addition, overdose and misuse of the drug have been associated with severe sleep disturbances, cognitive dysfunction, depressive symptoms, or even suicidal episodes. Even the use of Phentermine has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events or even strokes. This is because its action is exerted through the dopaminergic pathway. Nevertheless, what about all the people who cannot receive Pharmaceutical Treatment?

As overweight and obesity statistics skyrocket worldwide, science and the nutritional supplement industry have created natural alternatives to pharmaceutical phentermine. These Phentermine alternatives are completely legal, natural, non-prescription and highly effective.

However, the biggest advantage is that they can be taken by anyone with extra kilos, less or more (without limitation). And mostly? Without any risk to the general health.

Referring to natural alternatives to Phentermine (Phentermine Over-the-Counter) we are talking about health and weight loss supplements that base their action on appetite suppression. In other words, they imitate the action of the pharmaceutical Phentermine.

Therefore, while pharmaceutical Phentermine - as a prescription drug - only addresses a small percentage of people with increased body weight, the natural alternatives to Phentermine legal and non-prescription (Phentermine Over-the-Counter) address everyone.

Without a medical prescription

No side effects

No risk of addiction

Well, can I take Phentermine ... without a prescription?

Yes, but not the pharmaceutical prescription Phentermine, but the legal 100% natural version. On the market today you can find a huge variety of alternative legal Phentermine supplements (Phentermine Over-the-Counter).

And what's more, these top Phentermine alternatives are available completely freely (and completely legally) without a prescription.

What are these "substitutes" for Phentermine (also known as Phentermine Over-the- Counter)?

Legal alternatives to Phentermine (Phentermine Over-the-Counter) - precisely because they do not require a prescription - are gaining popularity worldwide. These legal alternatives - also known as "OTC diet pills" - are more easily accessible, more "natural", without risks and side effects, but also much cheaper.

In the case of OTC weight loss drugs/Phentermine alternatives, we are referring to natural appetite suppressants that - by various mechanisms (depending of course on the formula of ingredients they use) - achieve weight loss and lipolysis. However, let's discuss more thoroughly some of the top alternatives to Phentermine (Phentermine Over-the-Counter).

Alli (Orlistat)

In the case of Alli (orlistat) we are not referring to a "dietary supplement" but to an FDA-approved OTC drug for immediate weight loss and appetite suppression. It is the only approved non-prescription drug. However, the use of Alli is ONLY approved for use by overweight adults and should necessarily be combined with a reduced calorie, low-fat diet.

Nevertheless, Alli - although an OTC option instead of the prescription Phentermine - is not completely safe. On the contrary, it has risks, like all other drugs. This is also the reason why we do NOT recommend it but turn to more "natural" Phentermine options (which we will see below).

The most common side effects of Alli include (according to user testimonials) problems with the digestive system (such as acute stomach pain, greasy stools, and disorders of bowel movements).

Other side effects that have been associated with the use of Alli are dry mouth, increased heart rate (palpitations), severe liver problems or even yellow eyes or skin, dark urine, and itching.


Glucomannan (also known as Konjac) is an all-natural alternative to the pharmaceutical Phentermine.

It is a type of soluble fiber that has the amazing ability to increase feelings of satiety & fullness. We find it in a multitude of weight loss supplements (and specifically in appetite suppressants). However, let's take a closer look at this natural appetite suppressant. Glucomannan is a plant fiber that acts like a "sponge" in the stomach.

It absorbs a huge amount of liquid (almost 50 times its weight) as a result of which it multiplies its volume inside the stomach and occupies most of it creating a feeling of satiety (as it would after a large meal... but without calories)!

In addition, it prolongs the time it takes for the stomach to empty, making it much easier to reduce your meals (both in frequency and quantity). Another extremely interesting thing about this natural alternative to pharmaceutical Phentermine is that it reduces the absorption of fat & protein in the gut. It also lowers blood lipid and glucose levels, and controls cholesterol levels.

Green Tea

Green tea is another popular (and very common in weight loss supplements) ingredient for fat loss, but also an "ally" of general health and well-being.

It is one of the "healthiest" herbs, with the most health benefits for the human body. And this extract is very often found in food supplements for weight loss, which is due to its many (and scientifically confirmed) benefits. To begin with, an important reason for using green tea is its strong antioxidant power. Green tea - one of the most catechin-rich natural ingredients - offers tremendous protection to the body against oxidative stress.

These catechins (which are polyphenol antioxidants) prevent the creation of cancer cells (thus preventing the appearance of cancers), but also free radicals (preventing premature ageing of the organism).

The use of green tea (on a systematic basis in the form of treatment) by people in the context of obesity - according to relevant research - helps to stimulate the antioxidant capacity of the body ... and therefore to lose weight. In the burning and breakdown of excess body fat, but also in reducing the absorption of dietary fat by the body.

Finally, green tea promotes proper brain and heart function, boosts energy, improves mood, boosts motivation and promotes a lean and healthy organism.


Bacteria, viruses and fungi, can they be "beneficial" to health and promote weight loss? And yet it is true. Millions of such micro-organisms build "colonies" and live inside our organism, and more specifically inside our digestive system. They constitute the so-called "intestinal microflora".

This microflora plays an important role in the proper outcome of the digestive process, absorbing all the nutrients from food and converting them into valuable energy. Probiotics are widely known for their contribution to gut health.

Nevertheless, what most people ignore is that they also contribute to a healthy immune system, but also to a more "successful" weight loss and a targeted loss of abdominal fat.

Yes, it is true. Probiotics - when consumed regularly - can help with weight loss, simply by changing the gut microflora. They support the reduction of the total percentage of fat in the body and act effectively against obesity. Probiotics are therefore an amazing alternative to the pharmaceutical Phentermine. It is completely safe to use them (even mandatory for better health). They are legal.

They are 100% effective for healthy weight loss that will not harm the body.

Trigonella foenum-graecum or Fenugreek

Another amazing health herb and natural alternative to the pharmaceutical Phentermine is Trigonella. Also, with increasing popularity, especially in recent years, we find it more and more often in diet pills (OTC).

An extremely rich source of proteins, vitamins and various phytonutrients, Fenugreek is a herb with a wide range of health benefits (as it provides the body with a wide range of valuable minerals such as copper, iron, magnesium and manganese). It promotes detoxification of the body and contributes to overall good health. Fenugreek is the ideal herb to improve your body's carbohydrate metabolism and effectively regulate your blood sugar levels.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

CLA is the next ingredient worth looking at... as an alternative to the pharmaceutical Phentermine (Phentermine Over the Counter). It is a naturally occurring fatty acid that is widely used as a dietary supplement as it appears to aid in body fat loss, weight loss and type 2 diabetes control.

In other words ; CLA is a unique ally in the fight against obesity.

Garcinia Cambogia

The ultimate natural appetite suppressant (natural alternative to the pharmaceutical Phentermine) is Garcinia Cambogia. This fruit helps in the metabolism of body fat, promoting an easier and faster burning of it and its conversion into energy. Also, Garcinia Cambogia reduces hunger.

High in hydroxy citric acid (HCA), the herb Garcinia Cambogia is an amazing alternative to Phentermine for effective and fast weight loss, sustainable and with 100% visible benefits. It reduces the accumulation of lipids in the liver and enhances the oxidation of lipids by reducing the use of carbohydrates.

Where can I find these weight loss ingredients (natural alternatives to Phentermine)?

You will find them legally on the internet. There is a huge variety of diet pills on the market that rely on appetite suppression (just like Phentermine).

However, the action of these pills is due to ONLY natural ingredients, and for this reason, their use is free and does not require a medical prescription. In addition, the use of these pills has no time limit. Their 100% natural composition supports a completely safe weight loss (without side effects and risk of addiction).

In addition, it is worth mentioning at this point that the leading Phentermine alternatives (legal and non-prescription) - OTC Phentermine - usually use clever combinations of ingredients that promote immediate appetite suppression & at the same time boost metabolic function & increase the burning of accumulated fat.

So, before selecting such a legal Phentermine diet pill (Phentermine Over-the-Counter) take a thorough look at its ingredient list. The natural ingredients mentioned above are some of those you will often see contained in supplements.

Why should I select legal Phentermine (Phentermine Over-the-Counter) and not Pharmaceutical Phentermine?

Pharmaceutical Phentermine is a drug available ONLY in specific cases of people in the context of obesity (where their lives are in immediate danger).

It is a very effective but also very dangerous diet pill, which was withdrawn from the market (by the FDA) as early as 1997. The reason was clear. Phentermine has been linked to serious cardiovascular problems and pulmonary emergencies, many of which even resulted in the patient's death.

Best Phentermine alternatives legal and Over-the-Counter (Phentermine Over-the-Counter) - Summary

In this article, we have summarized some very basic information about the pharmaceutical Phentermine and its legal alternatives (Phentermine Over-the-Counter).

In the legal market, you can find a wide variety of such legal Phentermine pills, some of them more effective, and some not at all.

It's all about studying each one's ingredient list and finding a product that combines truly beneficial ingredients in beneficial dosages.

1. PhenQ | Top selection for the last 10+ years

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3. Phen 24 | 24-hour fat burning (night and day) for maximum los

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