Would post operative medications affect the kidney?
Consultant Nephrologist,
Q: My 41 years old husband has a solitary right kidney and at the same time he has umbilical hernia and anal fissure. The doctors are advising surgery to treat both the problems. Is it advisable to undergo surgery considering the solitary kidney? As medications pre and post surgery do affect the kidney. Would antibiotics and painkillers post surgery be a problem? Please advise.
A:Risk for acute kidney injury (AKI) after any major abdominal surgery depends upon underlying kidney function prior to the surgery, risk being greater if one already has underlying chronic kidney disease. One having a solitary kidney or 2 kidneys does not alter the risk. Irrespective of underlying kidney function, surgeons would always be cautious of risk factors towards increased risk for AKI including avoidance of potential kidney toxic medications including some antibiotics while proceeding with the surgery. Most pain medications are safe as long as you have well preserved kidney function during post-operative period.