
Will the brown patch in my daughter's eye cause any problem?

Dr Arun Mishra
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK

Q: My two-year-old daughter has hyper-pigmentation in her eyes. She has black eyes but she has a small brown patch in her eyes (in the black portion). I have shown her to two eye specialists. Both of them diagnosed the same. She doesn't have any visibility problem. The doctors said that we have to wait and see if she will have any eyesight problem as she grows. She is too young to read anything, to make out whether she has any problem. But at home, I keep checking her visibility with things she can recognise. I am too scared to wait. I think I am losing time in resolving the problem.

A:No need to worry about this pigmentation and consider this as beauty spot. This sounds like a birth mark which does not affect the sight. If you want to make sure about her sight, cover one of her eyes at a time and ask her to pick something very small like sweets or mustard from the palm of your hand. If she succeeds, her sight is good. A good eye specialist should be able to dilate her pupils with eye drops and check whether she needs glasses and also check the back of her eye for any abnormality.