
Will ovarian cyst create problems in pregnancy?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am a 31 years old female into my eighth week of pregnancy but the baby’s growth is only 6.5 weeks. My doctor has asked me to take Excropin, Fertigyn and Progesterone. injection once in four days for 15 days to abort the foetus. The same method of abortion was used last year when I got pregnant but the baby wasn’t growing. Is the treatment for abortion OK? I also have a cyst in the right ovary. Should the cyst be removed? Will it create problem in future pregnancies?

A:The treatment is okay for the abortion. In case the cyst grows bigger, as you can check with a repeat ultrasound after 6-8 weeks, you will be able to decide what is to be done. The progesterone may help it to disappear completely. In case it is still present and bigger than 6-8 cm and causing pain, it will need to be removed after the 12th week of pregnancy, under anaesthesia and perhaps through a laparoscopic method. If the need arises for that then you may again need to take progesterone to avoid an abortion or premature pains.