Will my unborn baby be affected by my hepatitis B surface antigen status?
Dr JB Dilawari
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock, UK
Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Glasgow University, Scotland, UK
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock, UK
Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Glasgow University, Scotland, UK
Q: I am a 26 years old pregnant woman. During pregnancy test, I came to know that I am HBsAg positive. I have never experienced any symptoms and am perfectly healthy otherwise. The liver function test (LFT) reports are normal; antigen negative and antibody positive, HBV DNA positive. What should I do? Is my baby at risk of getting infected from me?
A:She seems to be an inactive carrier with HB virus. If so she needs no treatment. Just need a check up at 6 months or yearly basis with LFT. HBV- DNA being positive does not mean much. We need to know the actual values.More important is to vaccinate the child at birth.