
Will my second delivery be a caesarean too?

Dr B Shakuntala Baliga MD (AIIMS), FICOG
Professor and Senior Consultant Gynecologist & Colposcopist
Mazumdar-Shaw Center for Cancer Research & Narayana Hrudayalaya Multispecialty Hospital, Bangalore

Q: Please tell me about normal delivery and its stages. What are the indications when a woman goes into labour? What are the ways to induce labour? How is a caesarean section done and what are the risks associated with it? What precautions does a woman need after a caesarean? I am in my 7th month of pregnancy. This is my second delivery and my first delivery was a caesarean. How can I have a normal delivery this time? The doctors told me that nothing is in their hands. I had a caesarean earlier because there wasn't sufficient water, the head was not fixed and womb mouth was not opened fully. I am worried whether the second one will also be a caesarean. I go for a 20 minutes walk, am doing ball exercises, pelvis exercises etc. I am also doing household work. How should I prepare myself for a normal delivery? What should I do for family planning. My husband does not want to have family planning. Nowadays people go for laparoscopic way of family planning. How far is it successful? I have hypothyroidism and gestational diabetes in the third month. It was controlled by restriction. I weigh 75 kg in 28 weeks.

A:It is difficult to explain in detail about normal delivery and caesarean section through e-mail. I would suggest you ask your gynaecologist to recommend some book available locally for you to read. There are books written for pregnant women which will answer your queries. You also wanted some information on induction of labour. These are 3 major topics and you can understand it is difficult to write about such subjects in e-mails. It is difficult to predict whether or not you will have a repeat c-section. However, noting the indication for your previous c-section and your medical problems, you will be included amongst the high risk pregnancy cases. You have a higher than usual chance of a repeat C-section. For example, if the indication of the previous C-section was for fetal distress in active first stage of labour, the chances of vaginal delivery second time are around 75%.Also, the women's section of this web site and other health sites may probably give you some idea on the topics you want to read about.Regarding tubectomy during c-section- it is good to undergo this operation. Final decision is yours (woman's). But it is better to have your husband to agree to it as well, to avoid any unpleasantness between you two later.