
Will my life get back to normal?

Dr Ashu Gandhi
Lead Psychiatrist,
Adult Mental Health Program,

Q: I am a 25 years old male. I am suffering from depression from the last one year. I am under medication as well. My doctor recommended 20g of Stalopam and 200 modalert. These medicines worked fine when they started but later on the effect reduced. I get periodic boils on by head which lasts for a week and during this period my health goes down. I can't concentrate. It has affected my family, personal and professional life big time. I have only one question. Is it possible to recover 100% from what I am going through? Can I be what I used to be earlier? If yes, how long would that take?

A:You are right - one keeps on getting these questions about complete improvement - which clearly reflects your ruminations which also might be negative at times. Answering these questions is probably like doing a prophecy or trying to be an astrologer as to what is going to happen and what is not going to happen. So, there might be a lot of accuracies / inaccuracies involved as to what turns out to be eventually in real life.You are an individual suffering with a particular illness, which has these days (thanks to research) various different molecules (antidepressant medications), which can be tried. You are on a particular one and after an adequate try is over, there is always a possibility to change to another molecule - again difficult to say how effective / ineffective it might be. Besides the medication treatment it can be sometimes very useful to try to add on psychological treatment. I would suggest you to discuss with your Psychiatrist and again there is never a problem taking a second opinion. All the best.