
Will my kidneys return to normal after glomerulonephritis?

Dr Naveen Atray
Asst. Professor of Medicine,
Overton Brooks VA Medical Centre,

Q: I am 22 years old. Recently I was diagnosed to have glomerulonephritis after a kidney biopsy. I have absolutely no symptoms. Doctors say that this has occurred due to hypertension, which I had for some 4 years and it was not treated. Currently I am taking enalapril maleate 5mg per day. I am in strict diet restrictions. Doctors say this has to be followed for my whole life. Is there any chance for my kidneys to recover to normalcy? Will this affect my private life in any way?

A:If you had glomerulonephritis secondary to hypertension, it is very unlikely that your kidneys will return to normalcy. Biopsy usually enables doctors to determine as to how much damage or scarring of kidneys has taken place. I am sure your doctors must have told you that as well. This is critical to know since it will help to predict the future course of your kidney disease which may stay stable, progress slowly or rapidly.Since I do not know your blood tests and details of your biopsy it is difficult for me to take a position on this issue. Again, progression of kidney failure takes its toll on sexual activity and reproductive ability as well. However, these days with advancement in therapy, the outlook is far better than it was 20-30 years ago. With correction of anaemia and help of other medicines, many men are able to perform normal sexual activity.