
Will my diet increase my post prandial (PP) blood sugar levels?

Dr Surender Kumar
Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 61 years old diabetic man for the last 18 years. My doubt is, suppose I eat 3-idlis/3-chapatis/2 dosas or 1 ¾ cup rice, which is equivalent to 200 calories according to a leading diabetes centre. How much sugar will be added to my PP blood sugar levels? I eat 25-50 grams fried peanuts (without oil) daily. Will this affect my health?

A:There is no clear-cut formula for this. The food has to be digested and then absorbed. Digestion is further dependant on multiple factors: as simple as hot food vs cold food, how complex/refined is the carbohydrates, degree of cooking, addition of masalas, amount of carbohydrates/ protein/fat, time of the day, etc. even mood at time of eating. Release of digestive enzymes is also variable from person to person and may also vary in the same individual from time to time. Thus, the whole process is complex. The best way is to eat and check blood glucose level; you will find the answer for your body, which may not be constant all the time.