
Will my child suffering from PUV survive?

Dr Vidya Gupta
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My newborn male child was diagnosed with post urethral valve (PUV) in the MCU report. At that time his serum creatinine was 4.6 and blood urea was 146. After 20 days treatment, his serum creatinine was 0.7 and blood urea was 31. Then he underwent a vesticostomy operation. Now my son is passing urine from this new opening (vesticostomy). As per the renal scan report, his right kidney function is 10%, while the left kidney function is 90%. Both his kidneys are non-obstructed. After seeing the renal scan report, the doctor prescribed Septran syrup daily at night (1/4 teaspoon). He asked us not to stop the Septran syrup. I would like to know (a) whether my child will survive, (b) will the vesticostomy close on its own, (c) will the kidney function improve and (d) which medicine is used for improvement of kidneys. Kindly advise.

A:Babies with PUV survive . The posterior urethral valves need to be fulgrated and then urine can pass through this passage as it is meant to. Once pressure on the kidneys is removed, then the renal function improves over a period of time, exactly how soon and how much is not predictable. It is very important that you see the doctor regularly and follow instructions correctly. Please continue Septran as long as the doctor tells you to.