
Will I be able to get rid of Hepatitis B?

Dr Anuj Sharma
World Health Organization,
Country Office for India,
New Delhi

Q: I have been tested Hepatitis B positive. The HBsAg Rapid method is shown as reactive. I was asked to undergo a liver function test. Here are the results: Serum bilirubin total - 0.64 mg%; Serum bilirubin direct - 0.28; SGOT - 65 U/L; SGPT - 95 U/L; Alkilune phosphatase - 148 U/L; Serum Total Protein - 6.8 gm %; Serum Albumin - 4 gm%; Serum globulin - 2.8 gm %; Albumin/globulin ratio - 1.4 % and Gamma GT - 32 U/L. I want to know if this is fatal. My doctor said there is nothing to worry and my liver is alright. Will I never be able to get rid of this virus from my body? He said I am a carrier but otherwise I am normal. Should I take any medicines? Are there any medicines in Ayurveda? Please advise. I am desperate. I went to help a friend whose uncle was serious by donating blood and got infected.

A:Hepatitis B virus infection may either be acute (which is self-limiting) or chronic (long-standing). People with acute self-limiting infection clear the infection spontaneously within weeks to months. The greater a person's age at the time of infection, the greater the chance their body will clear the infection. More than 95% of people who become infected as adults or older children have a full recovery and develop protective immunity to the virus. In your case, it is important to document your status by additional blood tests like HBsAg ELISA (with a confirmatory neutralisation assay, if possible) and IgM anti-HBc to confirm the status of infection. Since your LFTs are nearly normal, with borderline raised SGPT, you should wait for 3-6 months and repeat the HBsAg, and you are quite likely to get rid of itwithout any treatment. As far as I know, there are no scientifically proven medicines in ayurveda for this. Many medicines used to treat hepatitis actually make it worse.You have most probably been detected at the time of blood donation and not got the infection from there.