
Will I be able to father a child?

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity

Q: I am a 30 years old male. This is my latest semen analysis report: Color: grey white, volume: 2 ml, liquificaion: 30 min, pH(semen): 8, viscocity: normal, fructose: positive, sperm count: 32 million/ml, vitality live: 60%, dead (Eosin stain): 40%, motility grade III: 10%, grade II: 30%, non progression: 20%, immotile: 40%, total abnormal forms: 30%, WBC/pus cells: 10-12HPF. Please tell me if this is fine. Will I be able to father a child?

A:Your semen parameters with 60% live sperms of a total of 32 million border on normalcy, but the molility is a concern, as only 40% sperms are motile. You also have pyospermia (significant pus cells in semen) pointing towards possibility of an infective milieu somewhere along the sperm pathway. Asthenospermia (poor motility) can be caused by infection, as well as by associated varicocele (swollen veins in and aroun the testis). You need to see a urologist for local examination and further investigations to exclude the suspected pathologies before a treatment may be advised.